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My first Character!!!

Please. All critics are welcome. Thanks


  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    Is there a concept you are basing this off?

    his arms are way too thin, especially his hands, they look paper thin. The arms should probably be a bit longer as well.
    His thighs look very thin as well, it seems like his knees/calves are actually wider than his thighs...
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Not bad, it looks like you're got some nice attention to details.
    However, if this is to be a humanoid character, you'll really need to reference some anatomy. Definately do some tough comparison between your char's body and a normal human males.
    The legs and arms are way too thin compared to the torso, and are also much too short. You also need to keep in mind that the human body is a living thing, and the illusion of life comes from the 'flow' in the body. Right now it looks like you have a guy with absolutely no curve in the spine--this is not the case, people's body have natural curve to them. You need to add some of that--Rotate the pelvis forward, bring the rib cage back, curve back the calves, etc. Like I mentioned, reference anatomy to see how the human body normally sits.

    Otherwise, looks nice. Keep up the good work, and keep posting stuff for more feedback!
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    hah! cool stuff man. for your first model this is damn good. nice!

    it looks like you're gonna have no problem on the detail side of things, that's nice to see -- I'm more of a broad shapes person meself... and speaking of which, i think that this is what's missing here, as these fine people are saying. in my opinion, it would be useful to do some low poly stuff to get a good feel for large shapes and how they fit with each other -- it'll start you thinking in terms of general proportion.
  • Levus
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    Levus polycounter lvl 11

    You are going into details too fast.
    You must focus on the general form of body, silhouette.
    If you have some more interested shape, then go to detailing.

    Keep on!
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    theres alot to crit about this character but also it works strangly well, though probably not in the way you intended, it has an innocent style but lots has gone into it.
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    i'd like to see this guy walk with those big legs flopping about in a jelly-like way.
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    this is deffinately a first character attempt, in all its glory. I cant stress enough how much aspiring 3d artist should learn the old school ways of modeling before they jump the gun and hit the more advanced programs like zbrush/mudbox. Yes it is easier to do some stuff in zbrush, but as you have demonstrated here, its easier to make errors.

    good atttempt, but really. You should learn to walk before you try to run. tutorials and practice will help!
  • Jonathan
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    It's a very interesting character, and if it's your first, all the better. Do you have any references for this character? Are you going for cartoony, realistic, or?
  • thegreatjmo
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    wire frame for the character.
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