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snap verts to the sufrace of a different mesh?

polycounter lvl 12
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foreverendering polycounter lvl 12
3dsMax 9

Is it possible for me to snap the verts of the mesh i'm working on to a source mesh. Ie I am creating a low poly version of a high poly model, I'd like for the new edges I create, or verts that I move to slide along the surface of the highpoly model when I move them.

I'm aware that polyboosts polydraw has this functionality, unfortunately its broken with draster switcher, which i use. Not really interested in switching out of my navigation scheme to resurface.

Currently I work in screenspace and just eyeball the placements, but it would be nicer / faster if the lowpoly geometry I created was locked to the highpoly surface.

Any maxscripts floating around out there that might give me this option?

Thanks for any info


  • Mark Dygert
    And this is one of the reasons I suggest just biting the bullet and taking the 3 weeks to get used to the 3dsmax interface... It only puts off the inevitability of having to learn it for a short time.

    I think you can get it done with 3D snap set to edge, if those are the only two meshes you're working with.

    Max snaps can do this. Not as elegant though, you have to rotate the edge manually. Polyboost is pretty cheap though. A re-topologize thread.

  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Snap to face will let you do this, but it's not as precise as polydraw.
  • Rob Galanakis
    Not really interested in switching out of my navigation scheme to resurface.

    Get interested. dRaster has caused a number of headaches dealing with the ONE animator here who uses it, and it is just not worth it in the end. Almost every animator here came from using Maya and learned relatively quickly 3ds Max's interface, it is well worth the time to learn.

    I like Maya's interface much more than Max's myself, but it just isn't worth the headache and constant impulse to switch. Take the dive and learn Max's interface.
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