This was my weekend project.
Polycount is 1472, but I wasn't concerned with it. My goal was to get a custom object working inside a TF2 level. This is my first time exporting any object to Source. All created in XSI 4.2 and Mod Tool.
A work in progress shot:
Normal mapping:
Realtime rendering in XSI using one of Ben Cloward's shaders:
Source SDK ModelViewer render showing what it looks like in a well lit area with cubemaps:
In TF2 with cubemaps built:
My goal now is to animate the record spinning, and attach a sound, to record a short video. --edit: DONE
Comments, Critiques, Cookies welcomed.
either way it's pretty cool
To wrap up the project, I've included a youtube video in the first post. Some fun with animations, and triggers. Enjoy. :P
i would add back the trim edges of the bottom box, without adding back the smaller details. i think medium details are cool, but a whole pile of noise certainly doesn't fit.
other than that, this is pretty sweet. the colors are great, it stands out, it looks really nice. this would be an ideal focal point in an environment i think.
The playing needle and arm arrangement seem to have no texture at all, just flat yellow.