Hi guys,
Ubisoft Quebec is actually searching for an already formed Dream Team to work on a new IP that could also be Designed by this Team.(in french unfortunately)
Ubisoft Quebec wants the best of the best, mostly Senior Developers with 5 years of experiences, but also willing to relocate to Quebec city.
What you need is to form this Team by contacting the best guys as possible all around the world, and it's not a joke. Recruiting them should take time simply due to the fact that many of these Senior Game Developers could already be in their dream company.
I'm posting that here for two reason:
1. I'm, I guess, a talented Junior Developer searching for a job in the industry, so I can make my way in by recruiting the best of the best, if at least they are interest to work and communicate well together.
Take a look at my sig and feel totally free to ask, comment or critic.
I'm opened to any suggestions, we would make a Dream Project for sure, but the most important thing here is that we have the opportunity to build this Dream Project in function of all the strength of the employees instead of just making a great project.
I was first aiming for an action/adventure FPS both Singleplayer and Multiplayer [both coop & competitive modes], but also filled with RPG elements, I'll keep up the details for the Dev Team if we keep that direction, but that interactivity goes maybe 5-7 years beyond the actual FPS genre.
2. You could also be interested in making your own Dream Team to create a new IP too.
Interested? Post here!

If I'm right, the person recruiting the Team can actively participate to the Project in term of ideas and stuff if he isn't himself part of the Senior Developers or in the video game industry.
Should we move it?
It's not directly a job posting, but very close. The main goal is to recruit a Dream Team to work on a Project, so in some way it's for a job.
What do you think adamBrome?
Why won't it let me choose the chicken? I want the chicken damn it!
ubisoft on the other hand wants the best of the best presented on a plate, so that they don't even have to make an effort and search by themselvs.
Good idea
Either way, moved to Requests.
Weird idea for a project...
But actually says that you work on their AAA title.
Which, technically could mean your AAA title idea.
The AAA Team will work for them and you will also get the support from the other Ubisoft Employees.
They ansered me back to my questions:
1. Est-ce que la personne cibl
Make a dream team from all around the world and create a uber-AAA title with the bests.
What a rare opportunity...
You have one life...
Would you take it? :poly142:
You do NOT create your own dream team and start working on a project... and after get hired by Ubisoft Quebec.
You do have to recruit a Dream Team to work at Ubisoft Quebec on a AAA title, get hired? Start the Project and the Game Design Document.
And sorry but I do have some sort of experience and I been formed for my job by Professionals from Ubisoft Montreal Studio. The formation I followed replaced the 2-3 years of experience required 5 years ago in my field of work and I do have a solid background in gaming, what means a deep understanding/ application of Level and Game Design.
The funniest part is when I said, "the recruiter is recruiting and will participate to the project and doesn't have to be a Professional", with if he is experienced in the industry it's definately a plus. So, I'm Level Designer with a strong Game Designer background, plus my teacher... Game Designer at Ubisoft Montreal (teaching Game Design at Montreal University) told me that I shouldn't follow the University Formation, because I already have the skills for it.
So basically you saw that Ubisoft advertisement and want to build a 'DreamTeam', like they suggest, and then get hired at Ubi throught that 'AAADreamTeam' program.
Correct me if I am wrong, but from the look of it it seems like they are trying to get their hands on a bunch of talented guys, maybe a modmaking team already up and running, to give them the opportunity to develop their gameplay ideas within the Ubi structure.
So I feel like they are looking for 'teams' with projects already in the works - somehow like Valve bringing Portal to the next level. But the Portal guys didn't built their 'team' with Valve in mind in the first place right?
So my point is :
Say you want to form a team - then what is the core gameplay/storytelling/innovation YOU have in mind? I don't see the point of building such a team without an core idea to work from. And bringing together the best artists+the best coders+the best game designers is not the recipe for a guaranteed success. No idea, no game...
[edit] Hot chick tho
As I probably said in the previous Posts, the our Dream Team would wrap the Project around his Core Team and not Wrap up a Core Team around a Project.
NOTE: there are things I can't talk about here - I professionally can't reveal the Game Design Document I'm working on for that project
The main idea for now is to create an FPS game that totally pushes the standard to the new ones. A Game that truly involves addictive and progressive gameplays, exploration, initiatives, story telling, action, etc. It would sound like a action/ adventure/ RPG/ FPS game in other terms.
The Core Gameplay Mecanics are already Designed and we should stick with them, but I'm totally opened to better ideas that could improve these if it's even possible. The Core Gameplays are deeply unique to the Project and are the keys to improve the interactivity for both the FPS genre & the multiplayer games.
The RPG Concept about "how the player will gain abilities" is done, but could change if we find something even better. It's actually the first time that this system would be used in an action/ rpg game, the closest are Dungeon Siege or Oblivion, but our Project is way more focus on the skills/ interactivity required to perform the actions. They are intuitively introduced to the players.
Campaign [1 to 4 players]
The Game Structure is build for a Trilogy. The Development Team will progress at the same time the players do with the Franchise. What means, we will have a lot of stuff to come over with in the Game Bible, but we would keep a great progression by extending all that on a minimum of three games.
The Project is happening in his own Game Universe, what let us free to bring an optimized Game Bible for the Core Team to work with to avoid useless stuff like 2000 animations to take objetcs when it can be done by a game system or a particular feature.
The General Story is grounded, but not wrote from point A to point B because I know it could change anyway, so I prefer to keep all that opened for a better involvement among the Core Team. If our Core Team can bring his own thoughts on the table it will improve the game quality and the work behind the game and make the Core Team truly feel like... it's "my Game", not just a game, but there are constraints that can't be moved. I would prefer to get a talented writer to go even farther with the sub-story plots & character relationships. I can do it alone, but the time required to do that and the other stuff, I wouldn't be fast enough to do everything alone.
If you've seen Batman: Dark Night recently, it's pretty much what I've been aiming for in term of deep Characters & Sub-Story plots quality.
As I said, everything can turn to be different except... it's a deep action/ adventure/ RPG/ FPS.
Expect something across Chronicles of Riddick (guess what it is), Oblivion (player progression), Half-Life 2 (puzzles/action) & Halo 3 (quickly jump into the action). So there is a balance between "run & gun" and the "talk with NPCs to gain stuff or information".
Squad-based Multiplayer [1 to 16 players]
Already think to MLG, WCG, etc. That mode is for the hardcore, easy to jump in & highly competitive crowd. For sure, it's a Teamwork focused Game, but it's also focusing on your individual skills. How, that's our secret, but uniquely remains in the main Key Features of the Game; Halo 3 was all about "vehicles + grenades + striking + shooting", but we chose something deeper and we have a really different weapon & health systems.
We do not have Classes, or a halo weapon system like, etc. Everything is balanced, you have to be good, you have to become a great team player or a great slayer, you choose how you wanna play and must discover the multiple strategies that you can create by simply choosing a different set of equipment. - CoD 4, Soldier of Fortune 2, Shadowrun, etc.
It's something across CoD4, Halo 3 and... Counter-Strike, but here you choose how you want to play the Game.
Player Progression [RPG]
That mode offers a Profile Progression. Well, you start with nothing, you look like everyone and as much you progress you will define yourself and unlock your equipment.
So you want to make 4 AAA games at the same time with just a bunch of guys?
Not trying to look down on this. Just saying it sounds a bit unrealistic...
Why not focus on a very simple idea and make it kickass? There are great studio and indie games doing that. 'Climb on a giant boss and find it's weak spot', 'stack up bricks to create up to four lines', 'shoot 2 connected portals to bypass obstacles', 'jump over rooftops and perform acrobatics to deliver a message', that sort of stuff...
I think if you manage to sum up your gamedesign idea down to a simple original sentence like this -even if it sounds very bizarre- , you have a winner.
Well it looks complex, but it isn't. Plus, it's a AAA title that is supposed to push the limits and it is what we will do.
As I said, it is planned to make a Trilogy with that Project so I'm not planning to take full advantage of NPCs discussion on the first game, what is the introduction to the franchise. :poly142:
For the acrobatic stuff and deliver a message, it's already there.
I definitely prefer having more amazing stuff in my case to have more flexibility when it will come to drop somes.
I know they say "It could be anybody, anywhere in the world!" but thats a pretty naive thing to propose anyway in all honesty, any experienced developer is going to prefer who they know they can rely upon over JackRabbit Per128 CGTalk award winner from Guantanamo Bay...
Anyways, it`s an intruiging method to get people in. Should come with a guarantee that that hot chick is on your team though.
And if you already had a ground breaking team with a AAA quality IP in the works, wtf would you 'give' this idea to Ubi instead of 'selling' it, like 3D Realms did with Max Payne.
I guess crazier things have happened.
But if you have talent and nothing to lose why not trying it.
Why would you move there?
To work on a crazy project, with an incredible Team for an incredible dream. If you aren't ready to relocate yourself for that kind of dream, than I would say "strong lack of motivation". Aren't you working to create better games or just to have your paycheck?
Sell a game design...?
Why the hell would we sell ideas? To see it badly exploited? It would be a waste. Better work on it directly.