Hey everyone, I'm new to polycount, even though I've been checking it out for years. I read all the great advice about portfolio websites on here and finally have one to show everybody!
All critiques/comments are welcome and highly encouraged. Quick note: Portfolio pieces are just a few things that were put on as placeholders and will probably be removed within the next few months, but feel free to talk about them. Thank you for your time:D
edit: Sorry about the title not being named properly, I didn't read that until after posting. I think I should also mention I'm want to be an environment artist and the pieces I have so far on the site are just finished props of a slightly farther than modern robot factory scene.
You could do away with the lower menu, since it's just a repeat of the top one, and I didn't even notice it the first few minutes. One menu is enough.
Also, you can totally nuke the static image on the left and expand the entire site to fill that frame.... give you work more room, it feels kind of cramped in its current state.
Solid simple design though, with a few modifications it'll be prime for showing off your work and getting jorbs.
Ferg, what do you think is a good page resolution? It's at 780x450 mainly because I want the page to load super quick and be able to fit on every person's monitor without having to scroll (everybody hates scrolling).
I agree with you 100% on it feeling a bit cramped. The bottom navigation bar isn't needed so when I delete that and the side image frames it'll free up enough room right? Or should I make my webpage bigger?
The resume was quite rushed and I forgot spaces between the different topics. I'll definitely fix that and the font size up.
I don't think anyone is going to be visiting your page with a screen resolution below 1024x768, so as long as you keep it within those bounds, you should be fine. (well, a little less than that, since you've got the system and browser shells taking up some of that resolution, but you know what I mean)
My portfolio really needs an update, I shouldn't really be talking about weird portfolio sizes and shapes till I fix mine heh.
Like others have already said, site design is nice but everything is too small. Also why are there 2 menus that do the same thing? You should remove the bottom one imo