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Depicting something without reference...

Hi everyone,

My latest job description requires me to create something that needs to look pretty real, but afaik there is nothing on our earth to give me any hint about how it might look like.

I need to create a drowned city.. And when I say city, I don't mean some Atlantis stuff. I need real city from around like.. present days? Now, technically it's just a bunch of boxes with textures, and I've got no problems with that. But I need it to look convincing enough, and that means these buildings might need some sort of evidence of being underwater for like a few years.

Obviously, these buildings will be covered with various underwater stuff - shells, plants, corals maybe. Also, some of the buildings maybe partially destroyed.. But tbh I've got no idea what kind of destruction a flood can cause. As for the plants and shells part, it's not the same as a sunken ship.

So, what am I looking for is a word of advise at least. How do I approach that problem? What to look upon while researching? At best some references would be great, although I don't remember any cities being completely submerged in our recent past.

If it helps, this city area won't be explored up close. In fact it will be shown from somewhat above. Imagine flying above the city, but instead of flying you actually swimming underwater.

Thanks in advance.


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