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[Portfolio] Popeye9/Seth Wolford Environment and Props

polycounter lvl 15
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Popeye9 polycounter lvl 15
I just finished redoing my site and I am looking for some feedback regarding the layout and content. I am getting ready to look for some work and need to know what I should fix or scrap to be successful.


Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


  • Archanex
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    Archanex polycounter lvl 19
    Nice jorb dude on the site dude! One thing though, on the red firehouse, when I click on the thumbnail, it brings up the new window, but some of those images are too big, so I have to re-size the viewer window before I can click the rest of the images. As for the art, I think the sentry gun is by far your best piece.
  • System
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    System admin
    The models look to be well constructed but then again it is difficult to tell without all the wires showing.
    The textures however are in need of alot of love plus you need to actually show at what res the texture maps were produced at. A little text over the maps or the model would help a great deal + showing polycount etc.

    The site is okay but very plain, there is a distinct lack of layout and no styling at all, also it is off centre. Add some background design, layovers, don't overdo it just show that you are prepared to be serious and professional about completing work whatever it may be.

    Congrats on getting a site up and running, at least now you have a framework to edit and get right.
  • Flewda
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    Flewda polycounter lvl 17
    The soda machine:

    You have a shot from ZBrush showing 2,400,000 polys. That's not impressing me one bit.


    The above image is fewer polys than your soda machine high poly. So I wouldn't put that kind of info up there on your high polys.

    Your low poly on the soda machine, has a rediculous amount of unnecessary verts. 512 triangles for a glorified box? While 512 tris isn't going to be overloading any modern day engine, it's far too many for something like that, especially after seeing the wireframe. I would work on optimizing that a bit more. I would also look a bit more into the polycount on the turret. It says 5,000+ triangles, but I don't really see where all those tris are.

    I would also try to focus on your texturing and normal mapping a bit more. In general they seem to be fairly weak. Your turret diffuse seems to be really faded and overall not very contrasty, kinda lacking interest imo.

    The building piece: Again, I would focus on your texturing with this piece. Obviously you hand painted all the normals, I understand that for things like buildings, but if you uniquely unwrapped a lot of it, I would suggest doing a high poly. The design for it is kind of odd too. You have a bunch of lights all over it, but what are they there for? There's no real light source for them, like buttons, monitors, etc. No reason for them being there, which is odd. Also the dryer duct you have going on the top is just out of place. It doesn't really seem to make sense why it's there, but worse is that it's integrated poorly into the building. There's no sort of socket/connection point on the building that it would be going into, it just clips into it. And it's at a very strange angle. Also, it seems to be the only detail really on top. The rest of the top just looks plain jane. And I can't really tell what that orange scribble thing on top is. I would really think about the functionality of the piece, what it does, why things need to be where they are, etc. This kind of stuff adds to the believability. Then like I said, focus on the texturing. I also see a lot of room for optimization on that building.

    Pretty much the above can be applied to most of the pieces. It's a good start, but I would try to focus on those areas especially. Optimization, high poly models for the assets, and then texturing.

    Good luck man, look forward to seeing some progress.
  • Popeye9
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    Popeye9 polycounter lvl 15
    Thanks for the replies I really appreciate them.

    Archanex- I will look at the window size for that asset. It was one of the first ones I did.

    GCMP- I will get some more info in the slide shows to help people see what the construction is. As for the website I wanted something plain to show off the work. I had all ways felt that it looks more professional without a lot of extra stuff on the page. I will rethink this after seeing your comments :) For the centering of the site I am still struggling with that as I had no idea before 2 weeks ago how to make a site until I picked up a book on Dreamweaver. I still have a ways to go on it.

    Flewda- I will add some more wire shots to make things a little more apparent. With the building you use as an example that was one of the pieces I was not even sure about including in the site. I made that a year ago for an mmog that I was working on and was never really happy with it. The orange squiggly thing is a icon for the particle system in max. I did not notice it in the picture until you pointed it out. The picture was a screen grab with realtime shader applied. I plan to replace a couple of items over the next 2 weeks and will definitly be keeping these comments in mind as I am working.

  • Robert Headley
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    Robert Headley polycounter lvl 18
    Get rid of the slide show, all it does it make it more difficult for me to view your art.

    Try to go with a high contrast color scheme, your site puts me to sleep.
    Instead of the slide show, display the various different texture layers, etc on the same page, butted up against each other.

    If I were going to hire you, it wouldn't be for web design, so other than making sure that your site doesn't make my eyes bleed, you need to make it easy to navigate. Otherwise, fancy sites just make you look like a good CSS, HTML, Flash developer, not a good game artist.

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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    got bored of looking when the next image i wanted to look didnt arrive instantly or even near instantly.

    we make realtime assets, having a non-realtime site does not a good sign make
  • The_Kozmonaut
    I did the same. I looked a a couple shots but each loaded so slowly I gave up. You definitely dont want an employer doing the same thing.
  • Popeye9
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    Popeye9 polycounter lvl 15
    Not sure why It is going slow except that I am getting a lot more traffic then I normally get. I am not sure how I would speed it up any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Make a basic, HTML only portfolio. This slideshow deal is killing the site. The drawback is as stated. Employers recieve tons of submission, if your site isn't easy to navigate and quick, they simply won't look at it. This comes from overcomplicating a portfolio instead of KISS (keep it simple stupid).

    You can use Photoshop to automate a gallery; File > Automate > Web Photo Gallery. With some proper tweaking, it can make a great site instantly.

    This will get your site together, but you definately need to spend some time with the art. There are moments of brilliance, but few and far between. Look to Flewda's post for more information.
  • Popeye9
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    Popeye9 polycounter lvl 15
    cholden wrote: »
    Make a basic, HTML only portfolio. This slideshow deal is killing the site. The drawback is as stated. Employers recieve tons of submission, if your site isn't easy to navigate and quick, they simply won't look at it. This comes from overcomplicating a portfolio instead of KISS (keep it simple stupid).

    You can use Photoshop to automate a gallery; File > Automate > Web Photo Gallery. With some proper tweaking, it can make a great site instantly.

    This will get your site together, but you definately need to spend some time with the art. There are moments of brilliance, but few and far between. Look to Flewda's post for more information.

    I used the Photoshop gallery with the flash 2 option. All the slides where saved for the web before making the slide show to make as small as possible. Is there another setting that is faster. As for the site it is only html with a css style sheet to make them consistent. I made a pretty basic site I thought as I have only been learning how to make a website the last 2 weeks.

    I am looking at my work and fixing some of the stuff. I will be replacing some of the models with new work showing fixes of what has been pointed out to me.
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