Am I the only one in Bonertown over Chrono Trigger being re-released on the DS? Not to mention the remakes of Dragon Quest. Looking forward to playing through FFIV on the DS, too! It's like being riddled with nostalgia bullets into a blissful coma.
the census seems to say that most people would rather they had made a NEW Chrono game, rather than porting the original to DS. Most people would rather play ChronoTrigger on their Wii.
personally, I was hoping for a CT with FF3-4DS like graphics (or hell, even DQ4-6DS graphics more likely), with a copy of the original on the cart as well for those who'd rather play it old school.
but whatever, this is *much* better than nothing at all. I wonder what the extras will be?
the only thing remaining that I could want is Seiken Densetsu 3 for DS. they don't have to add shit to that imo besides an official english translation and finally release it here in the US.
Yeah, I'm pretty pissed that they're just doing a re-release when they shut down the guys making Chrono Resurrection; if they're going to do that they should be doing a new game or at least what bounchfx was saying. Also I agree about Seiken Densetsu 3
Once they port Suikoden to a handheld, I'm down. Never owned a handheld other than a GameBoy we found at Caldors which we could never afford the batteries to run anyway, and I always felt they were time wasters (coming from the guy that doesn't own a TV), but man, to be able to play old school RPG's easily would be too sweet to pass up.
Yeah, it definately would be nice if they remade it instead of just re-releasing it, but come on, we all know we're gonna buy it nonetheless :P And I guess that's where they've got us... Ah well, you win again Square Enix
Well, I'll buy it! Remember folks, chrono trigger was never released in europe / pal on the snes. the version most of you have played is most likely on your PC through emulation.
Children of mana (seiken densetsu) on the DS sucked balls hard. A re-release of Mana2 (which was also never released in english on the snes) on the DS would also make me spend my wad.
Mana1 also suffered from various plot holes due to the translation.
What would be better is a collection of all 4 (5 including the terrible children of mana) games on one release.
but whatever, this is *much* better than nothing at all. I wonder what the extras will be?
the only thing remaining that I could want is Seiken Densetsu 3 for DS. they don't have to add shit to that imo besides an official english translation and finally release it here in the US.
A new CT game in the style of FFCC: Ring of Fates would have been awesome.
Children of mana (seiken densetsu) on the DS sucked balls hard. A re-release of Mana2 (which was also never released in english on the snes) on the DS would also make me spend my wad.
Mana1 also suffered from various plot holes due to the translation.
What would be better is a collection of all 4 (5 including the terrible children of mana) games on one release.