What do you guys do to keep motivated? I mean, I've been trying to finish a model I've started to salvage before and then redone from scratch. I still feel like it's not done but even looking at it brings me pain and I know it is still going to take a while until it's finished.
How do you guys save yourselves from boredom?
If you are stuck in one area, move to a different area. And sometimes, you just need to take a break. An hour break or even taking the night off will be beneficial.
In a larger scope, I'm a firm believer in balance. As much as I want to saturate myself in artwork and video games, I make a point to exercise, hang out with friends, learn new hobbies, go to live shows, road trips, etc. These things can really help let your creativity breathe every once in awhile.
Also avoid procrastination.
Why do today what I can put off doing until tomorrow!
Along the same vein, I find that if there is something is nagging at me while I am working (dishes, laundry, chores, bills, etc.), it's beneficial to me to get those things taken care of. Setting up your workspace to have as little distraction as possible will help get the most out of the time you do spend on your artwork.
Either way, what works for me will not necessarily work for anyone else. I can be hyper-organized at times (go go Type A!) and I've learned that I just have to run with it.
Multi-tasking makes you stupid. Try not to work with the TV on or something in the background.
If you don't know what to do next on your project ..just do anything. Start foolin around and it will come to you. Action generates inspiration.
I still fight against procrastination and in the last couple of days I had severe casualties because of it. Today I'm winning so far.
I guess I'll take johny's tip and start something new the next time I feel like banging my head against the keyboard. I have so much stuff to finish I felt like trying to finish it all in a row but seeing something new here and there will certainly help.
Sometimes I really need to stop looking at what I'm doing for a while in order to look at it better the next time. Yep, new stuff sounds good. I'll try to keep it small.
Thanks guys.
If you're making a 3d model and you're losing interest, take some time out and do some sketches of anything you like, or go for a walk and look for interesting things to photograph.
Read a book or a comic. Watch a movie that you've heard was really good but you never got around to watching. Look for websites or books by artists whose work inspires you.
Then you should probably find that your interest in what you gave up on is returning.
What I would probably try NOT to do, is start another equally huge project. If you're in the middle of modelling/sculpting a detailed and complex character, don't start a new one with the intent to finish another detailed and complex character or vehicle. Otherwise you'll just end up with TWO unfinished complex models.
If you have to keep it digital, try a quick sculpt or speedmodel in a completely different style or theme, or do some digital painting. Keep it quick, simple and try to make it as different as possible to what you were working on.
That way you will be able to get back to your "big project", re-energised because you've been doing something completely different. Just gives your brain something else to engage it for a while... freeing you from drudgery.
Oh, and exercise works well too, as you are finding
Learning his a huge source of inspiration and motivation for me, as I'm sure with just about everyone on this board. As with work duties, I try to roll in something new into personal work. Whether it's a new process/workflow, program, style, etc., I find that it helps me stay excited about the project at hand.
A lot of times the new things I learn at home will have a benefit to work, it's just a matter of how to apply the new skills, insight, etc to the work environment.
"If it's not new, it's through."
- Chris Rock
When you feel you haven't got "GAS" (or fuel to go on, call it like you want), i recommend to do a save of the 3d file and inmediately close the program and start another different task (nothing related with 3d if possible, due that monotony kills). 3d is something that takes a long time to acomplish or finish (more now), so if you don't see an end, you can get easily desmotivated.
1. don't stay sitted on the chair more than 2 hours, get up a take a break (drink a coffee, a red bull, or whatever you want to have like a kit kat hehe, talk with your coworkers, etc.)
2. You can start something new and different, BUT easy to finish and funny to do. Personally, i go to my drawing table, and i do several concepts with pencil. i also ink. If you disconnect from the computer a bit, better. Drawings are done in minutes, and you get plenty satisfaction when you finish. You will earn points of motivation hehehe.
3. Listen music!, a huge collection and not the same bored playlist
4. Read a comic or try to get some minutes of "evassion" with something entertaining (don't read webs or chat)
5. Avoid distractions. If you are working, and you are chatting or reading websites some minutes yes, some not, avoid that habit. Focus on what your are doing. If you break your "work line", you surely will get desmotivated due that another things calls more attention, 3d becomes a boring thing and pass to be in a second plane.
Exercise is something good, but is always "to start something new", so we fall in what ppl call procrastination. Due that, i recommend to put all the efforts on finishing the model we had and not get the excuse of exercise. You will be fatigued anyways, and finishing your work means exercise too. If someone is a noob modelling, it's a bit different only. Give yourself a GOAL and follow the path till you reach it
Generally, DISCONNECT is the Best way to recharge your GAS, your energy, and your desires to do 3d. To see something finished and with its glory, is great too.
My 2 cents
music is my gateway out of boredom
Of Montreal :
here's something you might not like: Flying Lotus
I recommend:
Also, I find that using a redline approach where I print out what I'm working on and draw in/over what I want to do/change helps me to visualize my goals and helps me get there.
Take a stroll through your reference image folders, too.
Most important, don't dread it; make sure you're at least having some fun with it. You'll be less motivated to do anything if you see it as something you have to do that you don't want to.
Good luck!
Other musical suggestions are appreciated, I'll have to listen to them more carefully before saying anything. Some freaky websites and hard to read types though.
In terms of podcasts I listen to a few ones and since we're recomending stuff here goes. For demoscene music I like Surprise!Podcast, Demovibes, 8bitMayhem and of course Bitjam Podcast. For online radio I love Nectarine.
For insanely crafted audio sci-fi environment and fiction I recommend Cyberpunk Radio.