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SuperVillain Studios :: Hiring for Environment Artist

polycounter lvl 18
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glenn polycounter lvl 18
SuperVillain Studios is looking for an experienced 3d environment artist to join the art team!
If hanging out with fun people making fun games sounds appealing at all, submit your resume and samples of your work to cglenn@svsgames.com



We are looking for a talented and experienced 3D Environment Artist to join our
art department. Ideal candidates are able to create amazing environmental visuals,
have a solid work ethic, and collaborate well in a team environment.

- 2+ years of experience modeling, texturing, and lighting real-time environments.
- Proficient with 3ds Max and Photoshop.
- Understanding of color, form, and function as it applies to environments.
- Ability to work and communicate well with a team.

- Strong technical ability with next-gen technology.
- Experience creating visual FX.
- Experience creating prop animation for environments.


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