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"Mod Facade" Challenge - TheSplash - Japanese Bar

I have never done a modular environment piece before, so this will be a first for me.
I have chosen to create the front of this Japanese bar, at first glance I didn't see much opportunity for modularity but on closer inspection there is plenty I can get away with.

Here is my main reference.


And Here is how I plan to share the textures.


Basically anything highlighted in the same colour will share a texture and anything that isn't either needs a unique texture or normals.
(Gotta remember even if something could share a diffuse the normals might not be able to be shared!)

More to come.


  • EarthQuake
    Thats a pretty great ref, and i dont want to burst your bubble but the way you're planing that out isn't quite what i would call "modualar" its more just using tiling textures. When i think modular i think of a set of pieces that you could re-use to create a completely different structure.

    Now i'm not telling you that you shouldn't model this, because i think its pretty cool. Bu maybe think about expanding this style into a larger set that could be made modular?
  • TheSplash
    You are right. There isn't a lot of large lego type pieces to it, probably because of the scale.

    Although I do think there are some of Mini modular segments that could fit together with re-used props and a few unique ones to make a new shopfront, just not a whole new building.

    Still, I will think about what you said. Perhaps I could extend It some more using pieces within these segments. And also think about how to make those segments more modular friendly.
  • TheSplash
    Ok so in order to cater to the modular nature of the task better, I am extending the size of the facade to include another side of the building.

    Here is a very rough outline of how i plan to use some of the pieces together.


    Note: all the grey parts aren't necessarily unique, some will be comprised of smaller modular pieces i'm too lazy to put in.

    Also you can probably notice there are also props I can re-use on the other side like the main sign and the metal awning.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    I'm with EQ on this one. This doesn't seem to be a very strong piece for the modular comp, mainly because a lot of the building seems fairly unique everywhere you look. Even the windows are different.
    Like EQ stated, it looks more like texture re-use, moreso than mesh re-use. Especially looking at the your scene breakup screenshot, you only see the teal colour once and the orange twice, which doesn't really show much re-use in modular pieces.
    Just something to think about I suppose. I'd personally suggest re-designing the building in your ref to use certain elements as modular pieces to build something in the same style. Or alternatively, have a browse for some other reference that would better suit the modular style.

  • TheSplash
    Yeah, I've decided to find something new, this just isn't a good example for modular pieces. With that said I want to finish this piece as well since I've started and it's not all that complex.

    Will post new reference once I find something, maybe I'll start a new thread for the new one?
  • Emil Mujanovic
    Offline / Send Message
    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Just use the same thread, you should be able to rename it. Plus it'll show your developmental stages :D
    Looking forward to seeing your new idea.

  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    You could keep this shop down below and add in the rest of the building and do that with modular design. My piece is more or less going to be like that.
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