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my dominance war entry

polycounter lvl 18
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arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
while the dom war was going on this year i was tasked with a pretty gigantic monster, godzilla/cloverfield scale so i could not participate. gamepro is doing a story this month on resistance and there are some shots of him. the mag is in the hands of subscribers and should be on shelves in a week or so.
just pimping what i can, i will see if can post any higher res pics. i am a bit disappointed in one page where they grabbed a screen from a low mip, the guy posting this didnt scan it but if you get the mag you will see what i mean, look at the closeup of his face for the fidelity that will be in the final game.

5th pic down.

still wip, havent even got to the polish round on him.



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