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polycounter lvl 17
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DInusty polycounter lvl 17
Added new content to my website. still need to get the links section finished up so that link is broken. as it shows now im open for full time :)) relocate? sure


also crits welcome. these pieces are done but also i can always learn from them. :)


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    GOBEE polycounter lvl 10
    No crits from me. Just wanted to say I think your work is inspiring. Especially Dossier. Question though.. on the second photo, how did you do the plastic curtains on the left? Did you model and render those or you do something in post? Also, interested to know if you used DOF or Fog in any of these shots. Keep it up, I love your work.
  • DInusty
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    DInusty polycounter lvl 17
    in the Dossier i did use fog. DOF was in post. just rendered a sharp and a out of focus image of the final the erased where i wanted focus. as for the curtains. they were higher poly curtains that i put a soft body physics on and pinned to the top. i let them play out as if there was a breeze then stopped the animation when i was happy where they were. from there i took those and modifier - multires'ed then down tell they were of a nicer poly count. does that answer your question?
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    GOBEE polycounter lvl 10
    yes it does. thank you.
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    Alright,ill crit based on what i saw. First piece that has alot of missed potential is the gate. For starters,why on earth did you unwrap it on in such a distorted fashion? I think it was a mistake to try to squeeze everything in the scene. Secondly the z brush work looks nice for the most part but your gate feels a little blobish,id take time and use the pinch option in z brush and sharpen alot of edges.

    The diffuse,for starters one thing in the diffuse that really kinda bothers me is that there isnt alot of areas in your diffuse that match the details of the normals,alot of those big cracks in the mountain side could have had subtle highlights to make those cracks pop out a little. The color selection is poor as well on the stone,all i really see is grey,some dark areas in the AO i imagine but aside from that the flat colors just drowns out alot of your detail,try using color and subtle enhancements to your diffuse to make those details pop out more. Same for the gate,the pink looks like an odd color choice,i see theres purples in there too but it all blends into a big blocb of colors that drowns out all detail you had in the diffuse.

    Normal looks fine but is that moss on the rock backed up by normal as well? It doesnt look like it and it also makes your moss look like flat color on a rock.

    Yor pirate town,the selection of colors needs to have a little more variety for a setting as vivid as a pirate town,the normals look fine but in the end the yellows,brown and green all blend into together and the redult is you lose alot of the detail on the buildings,at night the scene looks better due to more colors but the town looks bare,no bar signs,exterior props besides a few things and overall the town looks bare.

    I the end my biggest crit has to be color variety,aftyer looking at the ruin scene it really hit it home. You need a little more color besides brown also the ruin scene needs more unique details and you should look into the silouhette of your surrounding as well. When i see the edges to yuor geometery i see flatness and no real alterations to the mesh to give it more of a stony/crumbly look.

    Your work has alot of potential but you need a little bit of extra polish to really make it pop.

    Hope this helps/
  • Kevin Johnstone
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    Kevin Johnstone polycounter lvl 20
    10 points for the tiling tiles in dossier level!
  • kio
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    kio polycounter lvl 16
    it took me a while till i figured out the picture from raphael la coste was your reference an not some sort of beaty shot.
  • JDinges
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    JDinges polycounter lvl 18
    Just a comment on dossier - I also intially thought the concept was your final render. After comparing the final render to the concept it looks like you only took the scene about 75% of the way. There's so much detail and character in the concept that's lacking in final shot. It's a bit dissapointing. Honestly if I were looking at your work to hire you I would assume that's as far you will take any scene even if you're given awesome concepts. Just something to think about.

    It's not a bad piece, it just doesn't look finished. And the concept lends it a huge amount of potential.
  • DInusty
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    DInusty polycounter lvl 17
    awesome, this is what i was looking for. thanks guys. :) polycount rocks.
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