Ive looked everywhere for a tutorial on this and came up dry. I know you have to an obj. but how do you get Maya to make one? I don't have Max so I can't export it there.
you probably don't have the OBJ exporter loaded up, it's off by default. Goto Window --> Settings/Preferences --> Plugin Manager and check "objExport.mll" in the list and that will allow you to select OBJ as an export option
I spent a few hours one day looking for an obj export plug-in. The sound my hand made when it hit my forehead was epic. Almost as epic as the sound my finger made when I hit send on the email to Autodesk letting them know that decision was full of fail and wasted time.
I hope at some point very soon Mudbox has FBX support.
But a thousand thank you's!
I hope at some point very soon Mudbox has FBX support.