Team name:
FIFE developing team.
Project name:
Engine. (We're currently thinking about switching to a new name or at least changing the meaning of the FIFE acronym to show that we've moved away from the Fallout roots & limitations of the engine.)
Brief description:
Just like the name of our project suggests we work on an open source framework for isometric 2.5d games. The framework started as a Fallout-related project but we decided to turn it into a complete isometric framework for the development of cross platform games in general. We are focusing on the development of the framework itself but will bundle it together with an (rather simple) example game. This way game creators have a starting point for their own FIFE-based projects. We're working on comfortable and easy-to-use editing tools as well. The framework and the tools are meant to run on all flavours of Linux, Win32 and MacOSX.
The FIFE project is in development since almost three years now and we have released seven public pre-alpha, alpha & pre-beta versions of the framework on sourceforge / freshmeat over this time. We did release our latest stable milestone 2008.0 at 2008/02/03. We're currently in the planning phase for our next planned milestone 2008.1 that will hopefully ship some time between early August and late September of this year.
Target aim:
Open source
GPL v2.0; non-profit; upcoming milestone 2008.1 and future releases will be published under LGPL 2.1!
We hope that interested artists will find it exciting to work together with other experienced and passionate developers. But as we're a non-profit project we can only offer the actual development experience that you'll gain and the satisfying feeling to be involved in an ambitious project as compensation.
Linux, Windows, MacOSX
C++, Python
3d modeling tool of your choice (e.g. Blender)
SVN sourcecode checkout:
HTTP sourcecode download:FIFE 2008.0 source packageTalent needed:3d modeler
We've used graphics from
Reiner's tilesets for our recent releases. Now that the engine supports more advanced view features (e.g. stepless zoom for the OpenGL renderbackend, rotation & tilt manipulations), it would be great to get a 3d modeler involved who could create some custom map objects for the Rio de Hola game that is planned to ship with the upcoming 2008.1 milestone.
The main issue is that we don't have much prior experience in working with artists so this would be something new for the team and the majority of useful information that can be found at our wiki is geared towards the programmers. On the other side this would be a great chance to improve the project and build a solid fundament for future artists.
There is no clear preference when it comes to modeling solutions as the engine does not care as long as you save the rendered object as a common 2d image format (PNG, BMP, TGA). A friendly modeler who helps us out of misery from time to time has created some custom map objects with Blender and therefore there is already a working Blender template in SVN. So Blender would be one possible choice but we're happy with other modeling solutions as well.
There might be important information for artists missing simply because we have no prior experience searching for them. Artists are usually interested in different information than programmers; in case you have a question about the artist position don't hesitate to ask and we'll answer and add the information to the main post as well.
Team structure: (only currently active members listed!)
jwt - software engineer (framework core)
mvBarracuda - project management
m64 - software engineer (video module)
vtchill - software engineer (unittests)
My job as project manager is to keep the team together and to ensure that the
communication structure inside the team works so everyone enjoys working on the project. Among other things I'm responsible for the recruitment of new developers, writing
developer blog updates, maintaining the
project wiki and to provide the official win32 packages and prebuilt SVN snapshots.
Links:WebsiteWikiGetting started guide for interested developersDeveloper blogInformations about the Rio de Hola gameFIFE-based games in development:Keys of Naand - a medieval fantasy RPGOpenAnno - a strategy game / economy simulation inspired by the Anno game seriesZero-Projekt: Was vom Morgen blieb - A postnuclear RPG set in a German wastelandCurrent release:Stable:FIFE 2008.0 Win32 (official release based on r2109)FIFE 2008.0 source package (official release based on r2109)Experimental:FIFE pre-2008.1 Win32 (SVN snapshot based on r2282)Ways to contact the team:
IRC channel: |
eMail: mvBarracuda AT web DOT de
ICQ: 98600423
MSN: mvBarracuda AT web DOT de
AIM: barrafife
We've moved away from our Fallout roots over the last months. Since the 2007.2 release FIFE doesn't support loading Fallout maps anymore but just our own XML-based map format. If you want to use the Fallout maps with older FIFE releases you will need a legit copy of Fallout 1 or 2.
[ame=""]2008.0 promotion trailer[/ame]
To give you an impression of the current status of FIFE we took sample screenshots of the two most recent stable releases and one that shows FIFE in combination with Fallout's assets.
2008.1 milestone (work in progress):

2008.0 milestone:

2007.2 techdemo:

2007.1 island_demo:
Fallout support:
Feel free to add whatever feedback you like :-) Criticism will help us to improve the project.