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Odd Render to Texture Issue in Max...

polycounter lvl 18
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TelekineticFrog polycounter lvl 18
Last night I was doing some test renders for Normal Map and AO Map for an asset to be used in a UT3 map and Max's render to texture kept rendering them out with the images not going fully out to the border. When you open them up in Photoshop they'd have an even border around the image of transparency and no rendered image. The asset in question is using a texture that tiles both horizontal and vertical at the edge so this is preventing that by having the border of the images not rendering. Any ideas on what might be going on? It didn't do this during the first test last night but then started doing it afterwards. I may have some setting on that I didn't realize would do this. Thanks for any suggestions.


  • Mark Dygert
    Did you try moving everything except one piece of the tile out of the "live area".

    You should rebuild your material, it more then likely baked it into a shell material. Even if you see your old material and it has the white triangles in the corners its more then likely been added into a new "shell material". Eye dropper your object to make sure. Baking a shell material, into a new shell material a few times gives funky results for sure. Or reapply your original material and bake again this time with "Render to Files Only" checked on.

    That's normally what happens when it works fine the first time and screws up every time after that, damn shell materials, such a bad idea to default too.
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