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Is there a Art Director in the house?

I need some help from someone that has worked on PSP games before for spec's counts. I am currently gathering info to create a 3rd person action game that is sandbox or free roam city. The city size will be approx. 23 square miles (approx. size of Manhattan). It will be a industry district. We are currently looking into different engines right now but to be honest, I'm really not sure what type of poly counts/texture sizes I should be looking at. I know it will depend on the engine used but even an approx. amount could start em in the right direction. For example, a garbage dumpster - would 60 tri's and a 32x32 texture be in the ballpark? A street - say it's 4 city blocks long, how many poly's should be used. 1 for every 3 meters, 2 meters, the whole length of the 4 blocks. If you have played Spiderman 3 on psp, thats sort of the look we are shooting for. Thanks for any help.


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