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EA's Spore Protection

polycounter lvl 18
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Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18

and they say that PC gaming is dying because of piracy, when legitimate customers have to put up with this. Just give me a serial number for my purchase and let me play!


  • Mark Dygert
    Just buy it to support them, and go get the cracked version... Or be prepared to flatten your machine, not just reinstall the OS when you reach your limit.

    I suspect secuROM is a secret plot to trying to herd people right into the waiting arms of the consoles, even if they might not be the best platform for some games.

    I can't tell you the times that SecuROM caused nightmares for Atari and legal customers, when I was working there. The best thing I can suggest is don't ever expect a lite-on drive to work with secuROM, in fact just about every burner has its issues so try an old slow CDROM drive that does nothing but read CD's. If your game comes on DVD's, you're pretty much screwed.
  • ImSlightlyBored
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    ImSlightlyBored polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah I gotta agree
    its stuff like that that makes me sometimes wonder if its not more benefitial to me to just download the cracked copies. It certainly would eliminate some of the crap such as limited installs : /
  • Striff
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    Striff polycounter lvl 18
    Pirating game for the consoles is pretty easy too, you don't even need a CD key or anything...just an xbox live sub and a properly ripped game.
  • Jonathan
    I've been through at least three formats just this year (hardware and OS changes).

  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    was looking at buying the creature creator. they tried to add on an extra payment of $6 to let me download a digital copy for 2 years instead of the default of 6 months. Either way I didn't buy the creature creator.

    Steam has done digital distribution nicely. you pay once, access from any computer and no time limit on how long a peice of software is available to download.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Yeah, I thought that download insurance was lame-sauce but I figured I'll have Spore before my 6 months runs out (if it still ships in September)
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    They need to find a different alternative, this new news just made me rethink purchasing Spore until the offical word of whether or not SecuROM will be included with it or not. (I don't want those additional issue's SecuROM brings like the disableing my firewall ect...ect...)

    Never-The-Less the Elite's of the cracking scene will over come they are much more determined. I don't support either I suggest an alternative means that benefits both sides, I hope SCII (if blizzard goes this route) doesn't get infected with this new "SecuROM" might have to buy a totally new PC just to install games on and deny internet access to (more shit to worry about).

    Good Job guys.
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    This is ridiculous, and just reeks of conspiracy... vig may be right on the money with that.

    I'll probably just do what I do with music these days... pirate the shit from the major labels and only buy legit from the smaller "independent" publishers. I wish game developers had some equivalent to concerts.

    Fuck EA. Never buying another one of their games.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    After my Rockband Fiasco (still unresolved), I won't be buying EA again unless I find a game that I fiend like crack. Poorest managed company in the gaming business (well, maybe competing with Vivendi).
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    notman wrote: »
    Poorest managed company in the gaming business

    you know, if you dont count all that, success, and what have you ;)

    And yea that copy protection is complete bullshit. PC gamers actually know how to use a PC. We arent in the "buy a dell, throw it away when you get a virus, then buy a new dell" category.
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    aesir wrote: »
    We arent in the "buy a dell, throw it away when you get a virus, then buy a new dell" category.
    I heard a 3ds Max "teacher" (he really didn't know the software well at all) tell some of his students that he did basically that. Makes me wonder what kind of porn this guy was trying to find.
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    funny, this made me realize, nowadays, I only buy PC games through steam, unless it's a MMO, but I buy more console games than in the past, also lots of live arcade games...I tend to prefer the console version if a game is multiplatform, except for FPS games, of course

    but yeah give me my serial number, let me play my game without hassle and I'll probably buy more PC games...
  • hobodactyl
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    hobodactyl polycounter lvl 18
    I think the image for that article sums it up nicely :P
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    me too, i buy games through steam, and almost all pc games i play are free online mmorpgs and too many free casual games. Pc games sucks hard... only a few ones deserves to be played. The last one was GRID as a present for my bro, and was a good buy because the same game here is more expensive, only 32€ when it costs around 50 (u know, dollar is weak weak).

    If you want to play a game, put as example a console like ps3, you only need to buy the machine and the game... you will play games at 1080p and without need to waste your money compared to a pc. In contrast, with pcs, you waste more than 1500 euros and you haven't got enough power to play decently, you cannot play actual games at 1080p unless if you waste and waste more money. Pc games market is not a good one for companies, pcs are not a good system to play due to its expensiveness.

    Another fact is that if you waste too much €€€€ in a computer for games, you will end with a huge eater of watts, a true "sun" machine, an ultra heater. Your bill for energy consumption will hurt a lot. I have recently readed about the new nvidia graphics cards, and i'm plenty dissappointed with all. 200+ W and more than 80ºC with a single 280. Pathetic.

    With Ps3 you can have a keyboard and a mouse i think, and play fps aswell.

    Piracy in consoles is high too, too many ppl i know own 2 xbox 360, one for pirated games and other for multiplayer games with xbox live. If they buy games... hmm yes, only a few per year. They play all what they can download with their "internet chit-chat computers".

    BTW i dislike a lot Spore.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    this sucks.

    Whats wrong with just buying the serial and software is like "whatever"?

    Or maybe registering an id with EA? Then that id holds all the games you've paid for?

    maybe too advanced for EA
  • greenj2
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    The question I always have is, how much does it cost them overall to implement new anti-piracy techniques, compared to earnings from piracy? Overall includes development, tech support for problems relating to it, maintaining databases/servers (for login security), and lost customer confidence. Especially when I think many people pirating items wouldn't have purchased it otherwise.
  • Davision3D
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    Davision3D polycounter
    How can a huge company like this mess things up so badly? :D
    Another thing that is messed up: http://kotaku.com/5017743/spore-cc-sporadically-available-via-ea-store
  • Mark Dygert
    notman wrote: »
    The question I always have is, how much does it cost them overall to implement new anti-piracy techniques, compared to earnings from piracy? Overall includes development, tech support for problems relating to it, maintaining databases/servers (for login security), and lost customer confidence. Especially when I think many people pirating items wouldn't have purchased it otherwise.

    Thats why they buy something out of the can. It costs very little, and they do loose a few metric TONS of cash to piracy. On paper it looks like the smart thing to do and it actually is, if you do it right. But secuROM is not the answer.

    I have a few secuROM coffee mugs and t-shirts they gave us to help smooth things over and encourage us to keep using it. It worked on the upper management but never worked on the techs. All of them with gritted teeth supported it. A few where even fired for sending out "patches" to people who had incompatible machines. "Oh you have a bla bla bla drive, and the game isn't installing or installed but crashes at a security check? Interesting well lets go through 3hrs of BS and run around shall we?"

    There are MUCH smarter ways to handle it. Its the laziest, cheapest way they can handle things. And until they actually see a large portion of their profits impacted by people not buying because of it, they'll continue to use it. The problem is word isn't getting back to the in a language they understand, people just say "screw this" and pirate it. Hopefully at some point they will be able to decipher the cryptic message gamers are sending...

    The problem is, that people take the path of least resistance, including gamers. They seem to think that putting more friction in the way, will get more people, when it drives them right into the arms of the pirates.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    it's all Bioware's fault
  • Armanguy
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    Armanguy polycounter lvl 17
    wow that pisses me off just reading it, im glad i only play console games :P as my pc is shit!
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    just lower the price of the games , sick of a game costing 1/7 of a normal person .
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Yep drop it to 40 dollars...

    Some of these deals and strings attached makes me wanna vomit.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    It costs very little, and they do loose a few metric TONS of cash to piracy.
    Lose? Really? A company that makes over 3 billion dollars a year, is "losing" tons of cash? Do you think Spore, of all games, is going to "lose" money?

    When EA says "lose", what they mean is: We're not growing as fast as we want. We're still making unholy amounts of money but we want to make unholy+1 so we're sad and we're going to whine about it.

    This "lost" money is completely theoretical. It's "potential" money from the magical land of marketing. EA could sell one game to every person on this planet and still be losing money because they aren't selling two. And if they were selling two, they would say it's a loss that they didn't sell three.

    If you failed to sell your game then you failed somewhere else along the line, not during the installation procedure. Maybe it's too expensive for people, maybe it's not compelling enough, or maybe nobody wants to support your company because if people actually like who you are and what you do then they will gladly pay.
  • Lee3dee
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    That guy has passion, great vid.
    They've been smoking money pole too long.


    Serial code the games let that be the end of it your fighting a loosing battle, unless everything turns into a w.o.w. style game where you have to pay to play, then a lot of "gamers" aren't going to purchase anything else from anyone anytime soon who tries that route.

    Nice post Lee3dee.

    \/ looks like there getting my money.
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    in slightly related news, bioshocks activation stuff has now been removed.

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