"As the UK computer games industry fears it is being left behind by international rivals, Rory Cellan-Jones has been to Ubisoft in Newcastle to find out how characters and features are created for computer games. "
Hmm, who said the UK was being left behind? We just banged out GTA4 didn't we?
Well, it might help if publishers left enough time to finish a game - hope this is not Driver 3.5
Last time I got filmed by a TV crew doing modelling for ETQW, any actual modeller watching the footage would have gone "wtf!" because I was basically just selecting edges, removing them, rotating the model and adding the edges back in again with the Cut tool!
Agreed that I don't feel the UK is being left behind in the game market. With stuff like GTA4, Crackdown, and soon to have APB and other in-development titles, I think we're doing pretty well as an industry.
Side note - who works with only one monitor? Yuck!
they should "monitor" you at "work"
no kidding. I've gotten used to 3 and now even using 2 seems hindering.
I like this kind of behind the scenes stuff. Ive recently gotten this interest in seeing workplaces. Anyone have any pics of studios? Office Snapshots has lots of cool stuff, but most is web dev.
And all artists are mute, robots, I'm sure the guy that cracked a smile and almost spoke was dealt with harshly.
i freakin loled
Well they do...they read your emails.
And yeah...single monitor blows...I have three.