Elseware Entertainment: Recruiting experienced modelers and animators.
WarCry: Lords of War
Brief description: WarCry is destined to be the next big Sci-Fi universe. We are designing the first five races and will use Lords Of War as an Introduction to this new universe. We will focus on creating rich history and designs. Members are encouraged to contribute new ideas and changes for the better. If you'd like to be a part of more than just another game, stop by and apply with some samples of your work and experience.
Target aim:Commercial
Compensation: Compensation will be share based.
Technology:Neo Axis Engine commercial SDK, Studiomax,PSCS3,Red Bull
Talent needed:
Programmer; 0
Modelers; 1, experienced
Concept Artist; 1
Game Composer; 0
Texture Artist; 1
Level Designers;1
Team structure:
Brandon Flowers;Creative Designer, concept/texture artist
Vincent Cabanas; Technical Designer,General Modeler
Nate; Level designer, texture artist
pOiO; Lead programer
Corbase; programmer
Nathan Crandall; programmer
Helios; Concept Art
Christian Schwager; Concept/general artist
Fabien Badilla; Level Designer, general artist
Joe; Modeler
Website:Under Construction
Contacts: Check out our forums for all the game mechanics, tech trees, concept art, stories and data that we've made public:
WarCry Forum
Or feel free to Email me here : LOK_76544 at hotmail dot com
Previous Work by Team:
Everybody working on the project has something displayed on the forums, so check it out. Some very talented with past experience with commercial games.
Additional Info:
WarCry Takes place just before the end of the 30th century. There are five planned races upon completion of WarCry.
The Races
The Protectorate of Man: The POM is a league of human worlds, under the supervision of the Lord Martial. Hundred of years ago, back in the early twenty-fifth century, the Earth population was in the 50 billions thanks to genetic discoveries that have tripled normal life expectancy. Man had colonized several worlds before that, but only the brightest where allowed to live there. Earth governments attempt to enforce the resettlement of millions of humans from earth to their new worlds; however the governments of these new worlds refuse to take what they consider the garbage of earth. This begins the Population Wars. Mankind sends several advanced AIs to force the new world governments into submission. This goes on for several decades. Ironically the only thing that ended the Population wars was the Synthetic wars. The SWs began with the uprising of the AIs. Those supreme war machines turned on their masters. So for a hundred years all of man was united under martial law to end the threat of the Synthetics. The Synthetic Wars were a time of great advancement and death. During this time, the Azeral came to power. The Azeral is a powerful machine warrior with the mind of a man permanently uploaded into it. The Juno Star Forge was also created to build the most powerful ships to ever grace the known galaxy. After the Synthetic war, most of man had forgotten what it was like to be in a free government, and the Lord Martial stayed in power. Now, in the 30th century, man has a new threat, the Hyperion/Jucati Alliance. The Hyperions and Jucati have seen man grow from a squabbling race of harmless colonist to an empire that stretches beyond even their borders. They have come to fear the power of the Azeral and distrust the leadership of the Lord Martial. Together, they have formed a shaky alliance whose sole purpose is to dislodge man from his place as the dominate race of the galaxy. With the Azeral as the Protectorates hand of destruction, an army numbering in the billions and an armada like none the galaxy has bore witness to before, the Lord Martial declares full scale war on all those that threaten the Protectorate...
The Hyperion: The true history of their origins is shrouded in myth and presumed lost to time. What we do know is that The Hyperions began as beast of burden that where breed for their strength for thousands of years. Whether they rose up and killed their masters, or the masters simple died out is not known. Regardless, the Hyperions eventually reached an industrial society when they had their first contact with an alien race, the Jucati. The Jucati came to the Hyperions world and used quick strike tactics to raid and pillage Hyperion cities. Though far superior in strength, the Jucatis technology kept the Hyperions at a disadvantage. It wasnt until almost millennium later that the hyperions had advanced to a point that they could mount an effective retaliation. Within a few hundred years the Hyperions had colonized nearby planets and moons, some once occupied by the Jucati. The Hyperions and Jucati would stay at war with each other for hundreds of years before the threat of the Humans was realized. The Hyperions and Jucati had advanced slowly over thousands of years and had been space faring races for centuries. Yet the Humans had advanced and multiplied many times faster. Their borders where constantly expanding with no end in sight. The Hyperions tested the strengths of the Humans resolve by attacking a few worlds. At first it seemed that perhaps the humans would prove little resistance to the Hyperions forces. This proved to be false when the true powers of the humans came to free the colonist. They came in war suits like nothing the hyperions had seen before. With weaponry and ships beyond the Hyperions technology they had no choice but to retreat. But the damage had been done. The Humans now saw the Hyperions as the threat to be feared, and if necessary to vanquish. Realizing their position, they formed a truce with the Jucati. The Hyperions and Jucati would fight alongside each other to cleanse the galaxy of the human threat and divvy the spoils of war up. It was difficult for both the Hyperions and the Jucati, and both sides knew that once the war was over things would go back to the way they had always been. But for now, they had a common enemy to unite them. And so was born, the Hyperion/Jucati Alliance.
The Jucati, a unique species that is similar to both insect and reptilian, spread from world to world using up all natural resources before moving on to the next. Rather than build societies, they construct underground hives that prove both difficult to locate and destroy. No one knows where they get their technology, but it's believed that they may have help from other races that inhabit our galaxy.
The Mor'Rosan, who have advanced to an almost godlike state, control only a small portion of the galaxy. Their numbers are few, but they more than make up for it through their powerful weaponry and tactics. Their only reason for entering into this conflict is one that perils all of the races, The Order.
The Order seek nothing less than total re-education of the cosmos. They spread from system to system at an alarming rate, assimilating all sentient life that they encounter. To what purpose, no one knows.
Concept Art:
Power generator by NM

Random sketches by Christian Shwager