It was ok. I absolutely insanely fucking hated many things, but the action was pretty cool and Norton did a good job. Liv Tyler has no emotion. I don't think she could fake happiness if someone was holding a gun to her head. I'm a Hulk fanboy (it's the only thing I'm a fanboy about), so just go in expecting it to be Spiderman 3 and not Iron Man level of quality and you won't be disappointed.
Yeah, he does, and I have yet to even see it, but they're already throwing Stark into some of the commercials.
I plan on seeing this one sometime soon.
Scene that got cut
At least it'll be on the dvd.
Yeah, and it's awesome.
Well it looks like everyone else confirmed it. I'm just a Hulk fanboy and I'd probably be disappointed with anything short of perfect. I hate being that way about it, too.
Speaking of scenes that got cut, in the previews he was talking to the therapist about his anger. That wasn't in the movie. I wonder if it was created just for the previews?
70 minutes got cut out.
Yes, it was a lot better. Having said that though, I felt that the other one did a better job of displaying the Hulk's power. In this one he seems pretty weak and he moves kind of slow and in the other one at the end he was running through the Grand Canyon fighting badass helicopters.
edit: tony stark is the shit!
They're setting it all up for the Avengers/Ultimates movie! Iron Man and Hulk this year, Thor in 2010 and Captain America in 2011, so they can pull all of the big name actors (Downey, Norton, whoever else is cast) into the big Avengers pic at the end. If you've ever read the Ultimates storyline, it seems like Marvel is really setting it up like that, which is super awesome.
ps. this blew ironman away. I dont even remember ironman having action haha, it was kewl to watch him fly around, but that was about it.... oh and he helped 1 town, woopty do.
I'm glad they didn't completely negate the other Hulk movie, but just sort of picked up where that one left off...
Zero chemistry between Norton and Tyler, Hurt on automatic, coasting over a script only slightly shored up around must-have fanboy bullet points.
There's a direct comparison you can make which I believe sums up a lot of the differences between the two Hulk movies--the bit where he fights a combat helicopter.
In Lee's Hulk, Hulk is menaced by Comanche helicopters and he takes them out against the scenic backdrop of the grand canyon, a full display of even fanboy-approved Hulk power. In the new film, Hulk takes out a single Apache on a college campus by throwing some metal at it, which then crashes onto Hulk who shields Betty from the explosion.
To me the choice of and interaction with the helicopters says it all. The Comanche is a beautiful helicopter, a would-be up and coming design that never made it. An ambitious program that was mothballed because the Apache was doing the job well enough... It does the job, but you've seen it before.
The new Hulk works better as a part of Marvel's aggressive movie strategy and, given the nature of fanboys, it's probably for the best anyway. Give them no sort of interesting characters or believable motivation so long as Stan Lee makes a cameo and a joke about purple tights is made, they're all happy. A few expected one liners.
Like that execrable X-Men 3--fanboys are happy just to have a few scraps thrown in their direction, when the very least they should expect is the characters to be drawn faithfully, not as a best case scenario surrounded in a sea of mediocrity.
Maybe I just admire what Ang Lee was trying to do with his Hulk movie because he had the balls to say that even a movie about a big green monster punching things really hard could have interesting characters and thematic resonance without neglecting the punching.
That's what Nolan's done with his superlative reboot of the Batman franchise, but it looks like Marvel no longer seems interested in that kind of treatment of their properties. Just hire a second rate Besson acolyte and reboot.
... and it's funny that you should mention the new batman, gauss, cause I've tried watching that garbage a few times and cannot stand how utterly bad it is.
and aha! i thought they were setting up The Leader as a sequel villian.
In the new one, the action scenes were much cooler. He fought tangible things like
I think they did some nice things with him as a character too. The climactic battle sort of
Ash.. aha! I was wonder wtf they were letting onto with that scene, thanks for clearing that up!
I went to see it yesterday, and it got to the scene with
Now, normally, you wait 5 minutes, while they fix it, and keep going, which is shitty enough. But for us, we waited 5 minutes, and they came over the PA and said, "Well, it's busted, go home." They refuned our money, but it's amazing how frustrating it is to have only seen HALF a movie. . .
Can't we all just agree that Liv Tyler sucks ass? If she would have been replaced by someone with some kind of emotion, the movie would have been MUCH better for me.
oh and i think liv tyler is basically fine as an actress but she had very little to work with here, either with the script or direction. perhaps most importantly, while edward norton is pretty great in most anything, they really just had no chemistry together, which is critical.
ahahaha... cheers, man. some statements provide the best arguments against their own credibility
QFT. I think Lee's movie had its heart in the right place, trying to take the comic genre somewhere new, but the story just didn't work. I don't want to watch the Hulk having parental issues with dear ol' dad; good effort, but it didn't work for me.
This rendition of the Hulk did mostly work for me, because the 'chase' aspect of the character's history is what has always been most appealing. The first third of TIH was my favorite, with Banner hiding in Brazil. Unfortunately, that highlights the one real problem with the Hulk - Banner is interesting, but the Hulk is not (fun to watch, but "Hulk smash!" isn't exactly good drama.)
The reason Iron Man was so successful (along with, say, Batman Begins or Spidey 1) is that the character you pull for is always there. I can get excited about watching Batman swooping over rooftops or Iron Man fleeing from fighter jets, because I'm rooting for Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark. With the Hulk... you just feel pity for Banner, if that. He doesn't even remember what happens, and it really makes tying the action sequences and the drama kind of hard. He's not a badass, he's a victim. The scene with Hulk and Betty in the cave really made me roll my eyes - kinder, gentler Hulk just doesn't feel right.
Eh. She's okay, but I don't think the Betty Ross role has much meat to it anyway. Gwyneth Paltrow nailed her Pepper Potts performance, but I don't know that she could have made Hulk much better. I had a bigger problem with Tim Roth as a 39-year old SAS/Marine. Good actor, but I'm not quite buying him as a stone cold killer, you know?
zero special effects budget, but still wildly entertaining.
I know what you mean. There is a reason the hulk theme from the show is one of the saddest pieces of music I have ever heard. The evoloution of hulk stories has always facinated me. On the surface, it's Dr.Jekyl Mr. Hyde, but some of the writers of late have made it much more. I always thought of Dr. Banner as having a disease. He is a victim, he will never live a normal life. But also in the ultimates, Hulk is more heroic than banner is, and they seem to hate one another. There was a good line in "Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk" where Banner goes to the himalayan mountains to seek wisdom from buddist monks. He finally finds the Dali Lama or whatever, and the wiseman asks banner "Do you turn into hulk, or does the hulk turn into you".
Those are the fun stories, where they realize they are one in the same, and it's okay to be two sides of the same coin. So in the next panel of that comic, Logan walks into the Holy buddist temple, (Because he's been tracking Banner) and there is the Hulk, living the good life with like 12 naked women crawling all over him, hahahah Priceless.
Anyhoo, haven't seen the movie yet. But if it pleases the fan boys it's a success imo.
NOOOO!!!! Heh I think that is what I didn't like about the last Hulk. There is no need in making him look too much like banner. If anything I'd like to see him even further away from his human counterpart.
I loved this Hulk! The Hulk looked a lot better on the big screen than he looked in the promos. This movie worked really well for me. Banner was nicely developed with Norton in that role and the action was always delivered when the Hulk showed up. The fight scenes were a lot better than the Ang movie.
I saw both this and the Happening this weekend. Happening was pure garbage. The Hulk completely redeemed this weekend's movie watching.
- BoBo
Besides which, I think Liv Tyler is about 6 steps down from Jennifer Connelly, not only as an actress but also in terms of looks/attractiveness. much as I LOVE William Hurt, he was on Auto Pilot for this role. Decently cast, but poorly performed. Sam Elliot was pitch perfect in the 1st one IMO.
I'm an unabashed Norton fan. Love his work, and he was great here, but I would have preferred a more straight forward sequel. I realize...different studio, IP rights, etc blah blah prevented that from being really possible.
My major issue with Ang Lee's Hulk was the unnecessary combination of his father, The Absorbing Man, and Zzzax (3 Hulk antagonists). It was reasonably clever shoehorning, but made for a poor climax.
I know some people found Ang Lee's Comic Book editing theme jarring or annoying in the first film but I LOVED it. He took a chance and did something very different which you dont see often, if ever in a major studio film. Bravo.
All that said, I would still recommend this movie in theaters to any Hulk fans. Worth at least a matinee admission price.
congrats to the animation team at radical if its true!
I appreciated what Lee was trying to do with his Hulk film. He added some really interesting shades to the character (the psychology of The Door from Banner's childhood, the tethers between the fathers and children), sported some really well directed action set pieces. But ultimately its a beautiful failure due IMHO to really poor pacing, utter and total lack of humor, and a gonzo ending.
What I'll give this Hulk is that it sticks to a very basic B movie formula, keeps the story and action moving at a nice clip and inserts humor as needed. My only major complaint was that, as with Iron Man, the "boss" fight at the end felt totally forced, like they ran out of story and said, "Fuck it, make with the fighting"
Not as good as Iron Man or Batman Begins, but a fine entertainment.