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MY Space Ship goes BWWAAAA!!

I'll also be adding to the roof as well as some pot holes in the ground...other then that Im at a stand still.


  • zerafian
    so the space ship want bwwaaa and right out the window. I decided to scrap it since I was having to come up with concept and color schemes for each piece that I made.

    So I ended up starting this scene...an oh so lovely alley way or dead end city street.

    This is a compilation of many different props put into one scene with the two buildings. I just wanted to be sure I didnt miss any small details that should be in the scene or if theres something that just doesnt seem right.

    fixes that are going to be made: the side catwalk railing will be squared off and not rounded. The top of the ladder will have added edge loops to make it smoother, along with the wires.
  • PeterK
    Offline / Send Message
    PeterK greentooth
    your building looks nice. good job on it.

    in a related note, don't post thread topics that are meaningless and have nothing to do with what you're showing.

    This whole "waAAAAAAA, and LAWLS" topic junk I've been seeing posted by new forum members looks like the start of a very bad path, I suggest the mods nip this in the bud, because I've seen 3-4 topics like this in the last few days.
  • Kawe
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    Kawe polycounter lvl 8
    must... see.. space ship.. where is... space ship
  • zerafian
    There was actually a space ship with the beginnings of its exterior on here to begin with...so the name did associate with the model.

    I do appreciate the compliment though
  • Mark Dygert
    Looks a lot better then the ship did.
  • zerafian
    Vig wrote: »
    Looks a lot better then the ship did.

    lol, I'll take that as a compliment
  • Ironwolf
    HAAAAY.... I though there was a spaceship in here. But thats okay! Becuase that building model is really really good.
  • achmedthesnake
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    achmedthesnake polycounter lvl 17
    maybe its an artificial environment on a great big alien spaceship - where the aliens observe the peculiar mating rituals of some parasite organism called the hu-man from the backwater sol system......heeh

    on a different note - the air-con systems in the top right window seem preety huge and sticking out a bit far - i know they're meant to be half in half out of the window sill but it looks too far out to me...

    apart form that seems to be nice work
  • pumbaa
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    pumbaa polycounter lvl 15
    Looks sweet! I would like to see a polycount!
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    If you cut your wall sections up then you can tile the UVs on them.
  • Klash120
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    Klash120 polycounter lvl 11
    achmedthesnake has a good idea there, that way, you can make your "Bwaaaaaa!"-ship :D
    You'd better send more screens to me @ work later ;p

    Just some stuff I've mentioned before:

    "...Got a lot of random junk & stuff, I like that, breaks up the scene nicely.
    Mmm, What’s that box in the window? Thought it was a traffic light @ first, then a dryer or something :\ A stove maybe? Lol

    Try a ‘Physical Sun & Sky’ render, think tha’ll make it look more uber in renders, plus it’s cake to set up (Mental ray rendering settings > on the very bottom > Environments > make physical sun & sky.. .)

    The defaults works fine for ‘test renders’ just aim the directional light (the sun) in the direction u want, and bamf~

    Mmm, Scale looks good, though, that side railing/fence/thing seems kinda big compared to the dumpter & ladder :\

    And yes, more bevels!"
  • zerafian
    Klash120 wrote: »
    achmedthesnake has a good idea there, that way, you can make your "Bwaaaaaa!"-ship :D
    You'd better send more screens to me @ work later ;p

    Just some stuff I've mentioned before:

    "...Got a lot of random junk & stuff, I like that, breaks up the scene nicely.
    Mmm, What’s that box in the window? Thought it was a traffic light @ first, then a dryer or something : A stove maybe? Lol

    Try a ‘Physical Sun & Sky’ render, think tha’ll make it look more uber in renders, plus it’s cake to set up (Mental ray rendering settings > on the very bottom > Environments > make physical sun & sky.. .)

    The defaults works fine for ‘test renders’ just aim the directional light (the sun) in the direction u want, and bamf~

    Mmm, Scale looks good, though, that side railing/fence/thing seems kinda big compared to the dumpter & ladder :

    And yes, more bevels!"

    ^^Wow deja vu here..:)

    Thanks for the compliments fellas....

    Now as for this whole artifical environment in the space ship business, its just not going to happen...your crazy..just crazy.:poly003:

    As for the poly count theres one factor that may not have been added in. Its a combonation of multiple props that were set in different scenes. In this scene file with all the props in it it runs right around 9800.
  • zerafian
    I found out through some testing that I will need to base my color map around my prior made normal map. By doing it the other way I end up with to soft of edges for the cement...which really makes the broken pieces look more like rocks then cracked cement...meh oh well I suppose I'll be doing that tomorrow as well as further tweaking and making a new diffuse map.

    Heres the test run(Top one with normal map, bottom with just diffuse...hopefully you can tell)

  • zerafian
    seems by previously using zbrush for only characters I have a habit of throwing the smooth tool over a bit of my chit so I get those rock formations.......
  • Keg
    Offline / Send Message
    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    right now the normal map makes it look quite a bit smaller than without it.

    without the normal map it looks alot nicer. maybe tone down the strength of the normal map some?
  • zerafian
    Keg wrote: »
    right now the normal map makes it look quite a bit smaller than without it.

    without the normal map it looks alot nicer. maybe tone down the strength of the normal map some?

    Taht should be a direct result with what Im planning to do to it this evening. I'll be adding a lot more hard edged corners instead of rounded areas. Im thinking it will pull the normal map and diffuse together a little better.
  • motives
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    motives polycounter lvl 18
    in general i would say your diffuse looks kinda blurred. It has a bit of "clone tool syndrome". its also really busy. which is a good thing but you need to watch out so it doesnt turn into a bit of a mess with no focus.

    as far as the normalmap goes. I'd say skip zbrush and run it through crazybump instead. You want a lot finer details than you got now and a lot sharper aswell.
  • zerafian
    motives wrote: »
    in general i would say your diffuse looks kinda blurred. It has a bit of "clone tool syndrome". its also really busy. which is a good thing but you need to watch out so it doesnt turn into a bit of a mess with no focus.

    as far as the normalmap goes. I'd say skip zbrush and run it through crazybump instead. You want a lot finer details than you got now and a lot sharper aswell.

    close heh, more or less quite a bit of erase tool...but there was some of that too. I tried to avoid the clone stamp since it has always caused weird blending issues for me.
  • zerafian
    Well I tried tweaking the normal map with no success. I was still getting soft and really dark areas on the ground. The normal map results came out with quite a few shades or red and yellow which we all know is a bad thing.

    Sooo I ended up going with a bump instead, which in my opinion came out 1000 times better. I also added a spec map. I took three different screen with variations of the spec, Let me know what yall think.

  • zerafian
    little lighting fun time before bed..yay!
  • Oneil
    I like the idea and the atmosphere that you're aiming for man it looks like it's going to look cool in the end i hope you nail it man.
    if i may suggest something when it comes down to doing the wall textures you could consider placing some kinda old Billboard or a Big sing, one of those that you see painted on the walls maybe some thing olds school to go with the over all building architecture on the left wall, something that mighted been build in the 40s or 50s.. any ways just a thought.
    looking cool though
  • zerafian
    Oneil wrote: »
    I like the idea and the atmosphere that you're aiming for man it looks like it's going to look cool in the end i hope you nail it man.
    if i may suggest something when it comes down to doing the wall textures you could consider placing some kinda old Billboard or a Big sing, one of those that you see painted on the walls maybe some thing olds school to go with the over all building architecture on the left wall, something that mighted been build in the 40s or 50s.. any ways just a thought.
    looking cool though

    I think I might just do that, I see a perfect spot on the left building to do that with. Right on :), thanks for the suggestion
  • Kovac
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    Kovac polycounter lvl 18
    Looking really cool zerafian. My one concern is the scale of the ground and a few of the environmental pieces in general. When compared to the doorway, the seemingly average pot holes turn into craters. The grate on the floor has such a big gap it looks like a child would have to balance to walk across it successfully and soda cans would fall right through. I think the back object is a fridge but it would never fit inside any average door and looks like it weighs more than the dumpster.

    The spec on the ground right now might be overkill, but it might just be the depth of the normals being too strong.

    Very good looking piece all in all, there's a lot of interesting little details to pick up on after looking at it for a minute.
  • zerafian
    Kovac wrote: »
    Looking really cool zerafian. My one concern is the scale of the ground and a few of the environmental pieces in general. When compared to the doorway, the seemingly average pot holes turn into craters. The grate on the floor has such a big gap it looks like a child would have to balance to walk across it successfully and soda cans would fall right through. I think the back object is a fridge but it would never fit inside any average door and looks like it weighs more than the dumpster.

    The spec on the ground right now might be overkill, but it might just be the depth of the normals being too strong.

    Very good looking piece all in all, there's a lot of interesting little details to pick up on after looking at it for a minute.

    I had a coworker tell me the same thing about the ground. I think darking the white areas of the spec by 15% or so should help it out. Bump can obviously vary depending on how contrasted the map is. But at the moment its at .15 depth. I'll definetly be fiddling with it as Im working to fit the rest of the scene. As for the props, doors, etc. I think once I get walls of the buildings done to go along with the ground it will help put the rest of the model in prospective. Evernything being greyscale, even when using the grid to scale everything, objects still seem off, even to me.
  • zerafian
    Finally had a chance to get some time in today. Sadly It took me around twice as long to do just the new parts you see there. I had to export each wall in about 5-8 different pieces because my comp video card is a sad excuse for a card.

    Anywho I made a few modeling tweaks along the way.

    The catwalk on the side I moved up about 1.5 ft
    I enlarged the dumpsters
    Scaled the refridgerator down a bit so it could fit through a door if it actually needed to.

    Crits welcome :)

  • achmedthesnake
    Offline / Send Message
    achmedthesnake polycounter lvl 17
  • zerafian
    monday evenings update. I got where I wanted to with my work. I finished up the windows and doors. I will be Uving a couple of the pieces attached to the building tomorrow and hopefully start the spec and diffuse map as well.

  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    that looks really cool so far...reminds me of some of the many alleyways and buildings from gta 4
  • zerafian
    I'll have a new update that callminates tuesday through fridays work. Im planning on adding a fence line behind the right building and setting some trees with an old rusted swing set in it. Along with adding grass thats grown up through the cement and such. To give it that final touch of being abandoned.
  • Klash120
    Offline / Send Message
    Klash120 polycounter lvl 11
    Less fence lines & more spaceship! :D Good work so far. Curious, what size maps are you using for the normals? Those bricks mainly...
  • zerafian
    Klash120 wrote: »
    Less fence lines & more spaceship! :D Good work so far. Curious, what size maps are you using for the normals? Those bricks mainly...

    The entire building and the props attached to it are on a 2048. The space ship will return one day...oh yes....one day.
  • zerafian
    Alrighty, heres the latest update. I havent worked on the spec yet and I still have some tweaks on the diffuse on the side and front.

    I thinking some mossy effects on the base of the building and some grafitti here and there.

    Pics go no lights, default lighting, high quality render.

    Let me know what yall think

  • zerafian
    I just felt compelled to add those few things I mentioned above...Here they are :)

  • zerafian
    I worked on a spec a bit today..I think Im gonna call it a night and hit it hard tomorrow..here it is

  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15
    Pretty sweet man.I think the graffiti in the last pic is a bit too saturated. Looks damn good on the brick, though. I like the window's but in the last pic, the top left window, it looks like the crack from the glass is going over the frame, maybe I can't see it very well but that is what it looks like. I think the vertical bricks over top the windows would be better if they sat out a bit more from the wall, and the spec on them looks a bit too high, maybe you haven't worked on the spec yet. Overall looks good to me. Keep it up!
  • zerafian
    I would say I spent a good 30 minutes on the spec....obviously not a long time. Once I get Maya reinstalled I'll be heading back to it to tweak slightly. I plan on dying the grafitti saturation down and as wlel as fading it here and there. It was pointed out to me it seemed to clean...I tent to agree.

    I'll take a look at the windows, thanks for the comments.
  • Xaltar
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    Xaltar polycounter lvl 17
    Needs water stains below the window frames. Take a look at some old buildings and you will see what I mean. Off to a great start though.
  • zerafian
    Well I was able to put some time in last night since the windows reinstall. I tweaked the grafitti and did the normal maps on the props in the first image.

    Keep in mind I have only done the diffuse and spec on the front of the dumpster ONLY. Every other piece only has a normal map on it. There really isnt much to crit on it since theres not spec or diffuse on 95% of it I just felt like posting an update.

  • BrodyB
    Keeps getting better and better! Keep that stuff up!
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