OR how to make max and p.s. not sh*t themselves when using a 2048...
anyone have any helpful tips/workflow advice?
right now I have a model displaying normals in viewport, and that alone makes it chunk (especially when I hit undo). (Ive heard of another method of making normals show in viewport besides the metalbump 9 business and the dx-display/normal bump thing, but I cant seem to find any info on it anywhere.)
I have a gig of ram, which I figure might be a factor, ( I imagine it could be "THE" factor?)
But what I`m ultimately looking to do is speed up the update time, cause now it sits at 30-40 seconds to update the .tga I`m using in max. (could the file type be causing the slow down?)
any help on this would make 3d fun for me again :susp:
dual core 2.13GHz
1 gig ram
geforce 8800 gts
and some BIGASS fancy light up fanz in dat bitch! :poly128:
XP can handle up to 3gb before it says no more and an extra gb deffinately improve performance. Can't say it will get you where you want to be but again that is a bottleneck for you right now. XP will take more if you enable a switch but its a mixed bag there. 64bit OS will handloe more ram.
I'd say try some more ram myself.
Good luck!
What version of Max are you using? If it's Max 2008 or above, then it ships with a custom fx shader called StandardFX.fx
You can apply this shader by changing the material type from "Standard" to "DirectX Shader", then browse to that .fx file from the material editor. Ben Cloward has a tutorial for that.
If you're on a version older than 2008, then it might not have that shader, so try out Ben Cloward's 3-light normal map shader or JIStyle's skin shader, both of these support normal/diffuse/specular and some other stuff.
All of them are faster than the default Max viewport shaders, and you should notice a great improvement without having to buy any more RAM etc.
Also check nvidia for newer drivers. I know for the Quadro line they have a 3dsmax specific performance driver. I'm not sure it exists for the Geforce line... but worth checking into while you're there.
Clowards shaders work great. I used them on my old rig with 1gb ram and an athlon 2200. I had to monitor my RAM on that rig cause I would hover at 88 - 97% with max and ps open at the same time working on models with a 1024x texture.
Heres a good article on ram and virtual memory. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/555223
The end of the article goes over how to identify a bottleneck.
...even buy an ass ton more ram.