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Polycount T-shirts

polycounter lvl 19
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adam polycounter lvl 19
polycount T-shirts!

We're preparing to get some new t-shirts out to you guys to raise some funds for Polycount so that the new magic we're cooking up behind the scenes can be as great as we hope it to be.

We're finalizing plans for the new t-shirts (which will include the new logo designed by our very own qubism) and have a few things to ask.

Because vBulletin doesn't yet offer multiple question polls per thread, I've made this thread multiple answers. So, please only check the boxes that coincide with what you'd do. Since these shirts will be used as a fund raiser for the Black & Green, I need your opinions to be as honest as possible as they'll be the deciding factor for what we end up going with. So please, no rushing :D


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