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polycounter lvl 18
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Slainean polycounter lvl 18
This is a new character I'm working on.


I decided to model her face after classical Greco-Roman statues, but I might end up changing that if the mood strikes me. Everything below the waist is pretty rough at the moment.

My original inspiration was this picture, particularly the mannequin all the way to the right. I really like her expression, so I might go for that.



  • frubes
    Offline / Send Message
    those two heads in the second row are really freaky, i could see those coming to life in some sort of horror film.......

    Anyway, about your model, it would be good to see some wires because from the looks of it you could do with some more control loops to define your smoothed areas slightly more. Also i would check the proportions of the head in relation to the body. It looks really off currently (too small and possibly thrown off by the fact the shoulders are too narrow which is making her neck look really long?)

    Nice facial topology though by the looks of it :) Keep going.
  • Slainean
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    Slainean polycounter lvl 18




    I changed the face a bit and modeled some choppers. I'm planning to model some kind of device that is situated in her neck.

    frubes - Thanks for the feedback. I'm definitely shooting for something unsettling. You're right about the control loops. This is the biggest sub-d model I've ever attempted and I'm learning the hard way that it is a better idea to keep things in separate parts. It's a bit frustrating how unpredictable it can be.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    good hard surface work, the neck looks quite long and the head a little small.
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