so I was looking at the quake 2 PMP models on the front page, and I wondered how many of the people who made these still post on polycount? So I'm making a thread.
What was your first game mod and are any of you responsible for those quake 2 models on the front page? I know a lot of you might be embarrassed to claim some of them, but who cares, it was forever ago, and I'm sure you're all way better now.
my first game mod was probably a custom pedestrian in Carmageddon 1, unfortunantly I lost him in a hard drive crash quite a while ago.
I also made a few custom vehicles for GTA 1. I'll see if I can hunt down some crusty old screen-grabs of them when I get home.
Awww j-eah!
Used WadEd, Wintex & PaintShopPro ~4?
First pmp was for Q3a. made the skin for some anime guy called Sawata.
hurt me now
When I read this post back then, I went totally nuts and did more tracks for a year before going to doom with a copy of NeoPaint 3.0, DMGRAPH, DMAUD and DEU
Still active to this day
wish I had time to work on the port over to NWN2. Pretty sure the NWN1 version is still live.
we also got feature on Bioware's site a few times. We were and still are one of the longest running mods.
GOOD TIMES... man.. micro mmo's are the shit when you have good DM's.
But my fisrt model was chtulhu quake3, big fun! Awesome talented ppl on that project.
My only ppm was for Quake3 called flamer. Man o'mule did the animations for it.
*continues down memorylane*
GTP for quake3 - ran the project as some dude called "terminal24"
was a total conversion in the same vein as urban terror. I was quite interested in explaining our weapon system and fleshing out the back story
almost worked out!
archive of's "finger"
some of the models in GTP
Some ingame shots from a map I made
We even asked people to contribute, funny page here
Jumped in on Fortress (quake3) as a concept artist before bobo smashed his way in with some great work.
Made a CTF mod called "biggahedz" - easiest mod I ever made, released onto planetquake and had a few people playing.
some quake 2 maps, mostly shit really. But fun to make.
My first attempt at skinning was Counter-Strike models, though they looked turds and never shared them :P I also did a skin for GTAIII to replace the main character to look more like me.
Made my first character for UT2k4, though it never made it in-game. I was inspired to make one after seeing Pior's bunnygirl model (used to play as that all the time).
The first mod team I was apart of was a UT2k4 paintball mod, which went nowhere. Then was some HL2 mod, which I think is still going. I did the texture for the first person arms and did a few concepts. Though I doubt any of it was used.
I'm currently working part time on converting the first level of Duke 3D to the Source engine. Its not very far along :P
actually got on the front cover disc of pc gamer and we got reviewed in the mag also scored 67 percent
characters were designed by my wife and modelled/ textured by me
also worked on UTRON. not sure if the final version ever got released - site is gone now
Caseyjones: your post brought back a lot of memories, I forgot about Duke3d and the lan games, I remember I tried to do stuff with....was it "Build.exe"? but I never got very far. I too made a few GTA3 skins, I remember I made one that looked like my brother so I could make fun of him when the hookers turned him down haha
Messed with almost every game I ever played that there are tools for, hell, sometimes I think thats the only reason I even buy games these days.
Modding lead me to POLYCOUNT where I could get my @$$ ripped open by insanely brutal/honest crits (sometimes I wonder if the crits were harsher back then or if I was just more sensitive), and later, back to QUAKECON, where I got to make even more good friends. So it has been a worthwhile adventure.
perhaps you should consider freelance work as you can choose your time to fit around your own schedule. Thats the route I have chosen of late.
yeah, but mods are great anyway, its probably the only time you will ever have the freedom to do something creatively unusual and get involved in more than one area of game making.
I've sort of been following your story since the day I met you on these boards (starting off as a t-shirt painter..doing wildlife drawings and such...then into and out of various companies within the industry) Despite the ups and downs, it's great to hear freelance is working out for you. You've got tallent out the wazzoo! In fact, I've still got Pearman on my home PC HDD and a number of your textures in my "inspiration" folder.
people just lost interest and I got a bit carried away with making it a multiplayer+singleplayer.
mulitplayer got stuck on god mode:)
worked with some cool funny people like silus from fragadelic and nachmir/Kangus
Actual graphics modding: Duke Nukem 3D baby! mostly levels and UI stuff.
I created 4 cars for the mod until it got shut down because one of the coders copied the code from HL rally.
If you want to peek at the embarrassment that is those early days check it out here.
first model/animation work was replacing the minigun of quake2 with one that had actual barrels and shells flying (like turok). then quickly joined the "terror quake2" team and did models & animations there. That team also was about to make a KingPin mod, for which I had prepared character, weapons... that project died however but I quickly got into "urbanterror", as Miles mentioned. I don't remember exactly who recruited me there, but I wouldnt be surprised if it was young EQ for me as well
After urbanterror I got more into coding, and code-modded the opensource q2 engine to get a top-down game like snes jurassic park, called "jurassic terror" (keeping up with the legacy of having "terror" inside the games I worked on) with a costudent here at university. However I quickly turned to making own engine&game with another friend then, which is now the solid base for research and commercial non-game work I do.
Kinda miss those days. Never have done any public / successful mods. Maybe one day.
Did pave the way to a bunch of other experiences which led me to my present career choice
My first was a few models for some Quake 1 fantasy mod. I wish I could remember, 'cause it was really fun. I believe (possibly incorrectly!) that Strangefate did the concepts for it. I remember learning how to model low-poly while working on that mod, by bringing a Quake 1 ogre into Max and duplicating it vertex for vertex. Fortified with knowledge and confidence, I was able to crank out some halfway decent models!
I just searched every drive and CD I have and couldn't find any of that old crap. Alas, it's probably long gone. I shall remember it fondly.
It could have been the major playable mods:
Fantasy Quake: Rise of the Phoenix (Late 97, most complete)
Archmage (Late 97 also)
Bloodmage (mid-99, probably not old enough)