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Flash arist needed for mindless work

polycounter lvl 14
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flarb polycounter lvl 14
I've got a bunch of avatar parts (swords, hats, shields, hairstyles) I need made for this cartoony flash RPG I've been working on for awhile. My budget isn't huge, but the job pays. Not sure where to hunt for freelance Flash artists, so I figured this is a good start.

Anyway--I need about 20-25 different avatar parts made in about 4 different categories. They are very simple and not animated. So they should be easy to do.

I have a few sample avatar parts of each type set up the way I need them delivered in FLA files. So the blueprint is set. I just need the rest of the parts on my list made out in the same style and delivered the same way (there's a certain naming convention and a way you need to place the parts in the file).

My main artist made these parts, but she's busy with other parts of the game so I'd like to give the part creation task to someone else.

Anyway--feel free to drop me a line at ralph@flarb.com for more info. Or if you've got a better idea of where I can hunt for flash artists that would be great.
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