alright figured i'd start up one of these. I welcome some c&c, but dont know how many of these will be to serious of projects and ill try to stat what is and what isn't so you all dont waste you typing time. Thanks for checking out my Sketchbook.
This is a clown luchador i just kind of started this evening dont know if ill carry on with it.
and this is a Love seat cushion that i am going to make a normal map from for a scene for my reel.
alright time for bed thanks again for checking the stuff out.
again if anyone knows the artist that did the concept art that would be awesome to get the info. probably gonna reduce polys on the skull, got lazy with it and just use decimation master.
and a 20-35 min zbrush scretch
Hey waggle thanks for peaking at my shit, thats all i hope to do, keep at it and get better, fingers crossed
here's a zombie, took a bit longer because i decided to see if i could remember how to resurface in zbrush, and i succeeded at it but ate up a bunch of time when i can just use the new unified skin.
*edit*added* PolygonJunkD- hey thanks, i agree with you both i really need to get that stuff down, hopefully sooner then later 8)
started this creature wanted to give the zsketch stuff a go, need a bit more practice with it, but you can definitely get some base meshes out fast with it
i especially like this latest one.
i think some of the proportions in the earlier ones were being put too far out of proportion, and in my mind, that was hurting the style more than adding to it.
and here is a monkey i did a long time ago that was never put on you.