Hey guys!
Decided to start a 2D art thread to avoid polluting the forum with separate threads for every new drawing I do. Feel free to critique anything I put here. Working hard at improving on both 2D and 3D simultaneously. Here we go.
September 16, 2012:

June 3, 2008

The evil sailor moon was just a joke sketch I started and got carried away with. Wondering if it's worth taking it all the way.
More updates to follow!
One thing I notice happens a little more often than I'd like is after spending time on the shading and making sure all the finer details look somewhat respectable, I take a step back and see that the proprotions are WRONG! Anyway, here's the latest piece in a series of 8 portraits I'm planning on.
1. Start with basic structure-- that'll get your proportions in there, and any mistakes are easily fixable.
2. Block in shadow shapes and overall structures, such as eyes, nose, mouth, blocking in hair & such.
3. Move into finer details, bringing out shadows & details ( highlights, ears & whatnots).
Sure it sounds easy, and definitely easier said than done, but if you can keep things generally in this order as you're drawing, I'm sure you'll see some improvement in your own work.
So far, the smoker and the hoodie are the best overall-- the girl is good too, but I think her head looks a little too big for her face. I guess her hair just has a lot of volume at her skull
Keep it up, I'm sure you'll see improvement!
thanks for that invaluable advice! I've heard about that technique before and you're right, it does sound pretty easy, lol, but for some reason I've yet to try that. Probably just keep going back to my old habits. But yes, I'll definitely have to make a conscious effort to try that and see how it works out for me, so thanks for sharing!
Here are some other drawings I've done anywhere between years to weeks ago. I haven't done anything in the last little while, but i'll get them posted on here for critiques as soon as I get the chance.
These are all pulled straight from my website portfolio.
Just one critique is to study some ear anatomy. Everything is coming along nicely, just your ears need some more work
with each 'subdivision' scale ur brush down somewhat and work with it to its fullest extent