right then, i was trying to do some good old normal baking, and max throws out some sort of idiot exception.
and then it starts doing this shit, forcing me to restart max.
now don't worry, i'll track down this problem. but still.. so annoying having to spend 2 hours of bugtracking instead of working... this is programmer work.
just wanted to vent some of my frustration. hrm.
macroScript look_for_objects_with_no_mesh
--iti selectteaza obiectele care ao 0 vertecsi
fn cauta_vert =
stack_x = #()
daca_le_sterge = flase
for i in geometry where ((classof i != targetobject)) do
if i.mesh.numverts <= 0 then
append stack_x i
if stack_x.Count != 0 then
select stack_x
n = ""
for i in stack_x do
n = n + i.name + ","
daca_le_sterge = queryBox n title: ((stack_x.Count as string) + " Delete ?")
if daca_le_sterge == true then
print stack_x.Count
for m = 1 to (stack_x.Count) do
delete stack_x[m]
messagebox "no objects with no mesh found" title:":)"
--Popescu Alexandru
i found the bug by individually selecting objects for baking, and got the exception when
i selected the object with no mesh.
but it requires you actually know there are objects with no mesh in them.
It is a macro,and it works like one...
-Select for category Alex_ds_tools.
-You have to go to "Customize User Interface" -> "Menus" and drag it where you want it to be