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good old 3ds max corruption

polycounter lvl 18
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dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
right then, i was trying to do some good old normal baking, and max throws out some sort of idiot exception.
and then it starts doing this shit, forcing me to restart max.

now don't worry, i'll track down this problem. but still.. so annoying having to spend 2 hours of bugtracking instead of working... this is programmer work.
just wanted to vent some of my frustration. hrm.


  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    found the bug, mesh without mesh. would be nice to have a warning dialog for that, instead of the whole program crumbling down, instead of a stupid warning dialog that doesnt remember the last settings i gave them, like the layer popup dialog.
  • Mark Dygert
    Yea... I'm not sure thats a common thing, you might want to make sure that you send in a bug report on that one. I totally agree that it should handle it differently but something tells me not a lot of people delete all the polys out of mesh and leave a blank object behind so they might not run into that often.
  • foreverendering
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    foreverendering polycounter lvl 12
    I've had that a few times before. Be careful when choosing the objects to bake from off the list in the render to texture.
  • KikiAlex
    --finds objects with no mesh in your scene

    macroScript look_for_objects_with_no_mesh
    --iti selectteaza obiectele care ao 0 vertecsi
    fn cauta_vert =
    stack_x = #()
    daca_le_sterge = flase

    for i in geometry where ((classof i != targetobject)) do
    if i.mesh.numverts <= 0 then
    append stack_x i
    if stack_x.Count != 0 then
    select stack_x
    n = ""
    for i in stack_x do
    n = n + i.name + ","
    daca_le_sterge = queryBox n title: ((stack_x.Count as string) + " Delete ?")
    if daca_le_sterge == true then
    print stack_x.Count
    for m = 1 to (stack_x.Count) do
    delete stack_x[m]

    messagebox "no objects with no mesh found" title:":)"

    --Popescu Alexandru
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    well that code snippet doesn't work apparently.
    i found the bug by individually selecting objects for baking, and got the exception when
    i selected the object with no mesh.
  • Ryno
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    Ryno polycounter lvl 18
    Rather than that if you want to be barbaric, just unhide all, zoom way out, click and drag around everything (selects everything with polygons/visible nodes), invert selection (gets your no-geometry nodes), delete. Ryno caveman style.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    yes, that seems like a decent technique.
    but it requires you actually know there are objects with no mesh in them.
  • KikiAlex
    It is a macro,and it works like one...

    -Select for category Alex_ds_tools.
    -You have to go to "Customize User Interface" -> "Menus" and drag it where you want it to be
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