Update below!
OHSNAP. Finally posting my portfolio! I'll be graduating from The Art Institute of CA - Orange County in the next couple of weeks (kinda freaking out). Ultimately I'd like to be a character artist, but I really like making environment assets as well. I'd appreciate it if you'd take a look at my stuff and let me know what you think. Enjoy!
For the environment and props I think it's either a bump map or normal map, it set too high, and I think the lighting in the since is a bit harsh.
Nice work though.
first off i agree with sage--ditch the second image for both characters. they're strong characters and overall you're presenting your portfolio very well, but these second images don't demonstrate anything, and really just re-present elements obvious from the first images but in a less readable manner.
i think your emphasis on character art is good since it's a stronger point than the enviro work--which is by no means lacking, but could still use some strengthening.
above all my main crit for presenting both your characters is the lack of nuanced color in your diffuse maps. the geo is solid, they read well and are obviously what they are, but both characters could use a lot more interesting use of color to move the eye around the character more and just make them more interesting overall.
i'm at work right now but in a couple of hours i'll post a quick paintover of what i mean about color usage--i'd use a little extra time, if you've got it, to rework the diffuse textures for your characters, and then i think you'll have a vastly more attractive portfolio because of it.
as stated, i think your characters are strong, but the texturing/coloration as well as presentation aren't doing as many favors as they could be. i posted the respective inspirations for my recoloring/somewhat relighting, and i think it shows how much further you could be taking the character pieces with more nuanced color choices.
And yeah, go with gauss' paint over, it gives them more character and "feel"
The characters are great, do what Gauss did in the paintovers and take that advice to the next stuff you do and it will take it from good to awesome in no time.
So I did another pass over the textures for my dudes. They're not exactly like Gauss's bitchin' paint-overs, but they're better I think. I also ditched those close up shots on my website. Enjoy!
Sorry for the long post, but (and Gauss just made this all the more clear) your stuff has a lot of potential. It's good now, but it has the potential of being Wicked-sick, or possibly Totally-flipping-awesome, take your pick.
I don't mean to be harsh but in terms of work experience, I don't think its revelvant to put that you have worked during uni. By all means keep them on you CV but it not worth the space on your website and as it was put by some one from Team 17 'I don't care if you are good with money cos you won't be handling money in gaming'. Same applies to you. I would only up revelvant experience. OR reword them as in -
I would explain these in terms of transferrable skills, ie, 'good communucation', 'takes good direction' and 'organised'. Sell yourself more.
Finished this too:
Biggest issue I have right now is the top of the well, it looks really blurry (could be because of the angle) but its not adding - but taking away from the overall quality. Any chance you can move the camera upwards a bit so we still see everything, but with more of the roof in the shot.
Also, the blue paint is a nice touch, and I checked on the other picture on your portfolio of the closeup, but I don't know why its blue? Was someone trying to paint it blue... and why blue? I would think a rusty red or something would make more sense.
Anyways, your work is great man, and I wish you the best of luck with job searching