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recent grad /w a crap reel, would love some crit

polycounter lvl 12
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sub_roland polycounter lvl 12
Hey everyone,
I am a recent college grad and would love some feed back on my reel. I am planing on getting the room at the end textured over the next week. Here's a link to my site. Thanks www.zachperez.com


  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    I agree that you would definitely benefit from some more texture work. And your demo reel could certainly be longer. But I think you're being too hard on yourself. I would never call that reel "crap." It looked quite good. The pieces you showed off in it were solid and interesting, and you always gave credit where it was due. (a nice touch that some artists aren't always so careful about)

    Basically, just keep working on your pieces and polish them up a tad. You're definitely going in the right direction, and you already evidence a great deal of technical expertise. I would like to see more animation pieces in your demo reel. I know that environmental work is quite desireable these days, but I always like to see something done with environmental pieces. Especially in video demo reel.
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] polycounter lvl 18
    The reel didn't strike me as being that crappy, although the intro and ending screens seemed a little gimmicky and the song is weird, which might turn some people off. You'd probably be safer to keep those neutral so that nothing distracts viewers from your work.

    The gallery part off to the side looks like it has some things that aren't your best work though. For example - judging by the room you made from the Massive Black concept, it looks like you've improved a lot since when you made the room for the Texturing & Lighting class. So you might not want to include the older one if it's not the best you can do anymore. (I'm guessing they're there partially because your school wanted you to include work from every semester or something; but I figured I'd mention it anyway.)

    The Modeling-1 final and the rocket tank look good (the latter in particular). If you hammer out a low poly for each of them and paint some nice textures for them, both should be pretty awesome.

    For the layout of the site itself, why not cut out all the empty thumbnail placeholders and put some bigger and more descriptive ones in their place? Also, since the demo reel stays up as the rest of the site is navigated anyway, you could have the site open right onto your 3d section on the right side and save several clicks.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    I think you are ending your animations too sharply, maybe it's to save on bandwidth, but I find it ruins the viewing experience how you are doing it now. I think you need to texture more. What you showed makes you look like can't really do it, it seems really incomplete. I'm making that call from the tower you modeled an textured, it seems like it's not done. I think you can model an animate, so the only thing left is to hammer out your texturing skills. I liked the cube animation scene, it would of been nice to see a longer version of that. If there is a full version of that I would like to see it, it looks cool, if there isn't you should finish it, right now it looks incomplete, and the same for the final animation you did, it seems like you ended it before it was completed. I don't think your work is in the crap category, but some of the works looks like projects asked to be done at school.

  • sub_roland
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    sub_roland polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks all for the comments so far, I'll take them all into consideration. And yes my school did want a lot of work from previous classes, so now that I'm out I'll go back and clean some of those out. and thanks for some of the website layout ideas. Keep the comments coming thanks all.
  • sub_roland
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    sub_roland polycounter lvl 12
    Hey took in the suggestions, in terms of website layout, and reworked the website and would love some more feedback. I know my content still sucks, I'll be trying to updating things over the next few weeks. I will be putting a title and closing sequence on the animation pieces. Thanks
  • achmedthesnake
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    achmedthesnake polycounter lvl 17
    hey - just checked out your anims, your demo reels preety ok - the only thing i had a bit of a prob with was the 1st anim with the voice of christopher walken - the lip synch seems way off/or underdone compared to the 2nd one which is spot on - i don't know if it was the limitations on the stock animaiton model or not - it just needs a little brush up :)

    good luck getting employment mate!
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    GOBEE polycounter lvl 10
    lose the song for sure.

    I think the first 2 scenes of your reel needs to go. Start with your tube room as it's yours strongest work, then go into the tank model. But finish the tank and tube room with color, normal maps before you update it. Add the screenshots you have under 3D on your website and you should have a decent reel. Your work ain't bad. What do you want to do though, environments? Characters? Props? Your work is kind of all over the place.
  • sub_roland
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    sub_roland polycounter lvl 12
    achmed- thanks for the input, and Yeah the first animation on there was an animation 1 final, so around a year old now, i found the file but it was referencing the rig so i have to see if the teacher still has that file so i can touch it up.

    Gobee- That wasn't even the song that was being complained about before 8( so I'll get rid of the new one. And in terms of my actual work, Yeah I've been working on the tube room and learning to do normals in zbrush so it's been a slow process for me. Unfortunately my school didnt teach normal mapping, but they do get all the great gnomon and digital tutors dvds. And in terms of what I want to do, that's another little problem with my school they teach you to be a generalist, so i had a hard time desideding what route to go, but i would say that I have been thinking about going the route of starting as a prop modeler and seeing where it takes me from there.

    Thanks guys
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    duuuudddeeee that wasn't a crap reel. that had some pretty tasteful stuff. you've got a great sense of appeal, and i think that it's obvious, even from the start, with that simple, appealing building with the nice unified colors.

    yeah, some more texture work would be nice to see.. i think you could benefit from just one more level of detail in general, perhaps. in your first building for example, the concept has some interesting debris kicking about, and some cracks here and there. it wouldn't need much.. just one or two spots with a bit more descriptive detail to give my eye some interesting bits to figgure out, and then rest with the general, appealing simplicity of the rest of it.. the top is already workin pretty good for me.. i suppose in particular those foreground posts could use some bashing up. adam brome had some cool cement wear and tear in one of his scenes here....

    http://www.adambromell.com/subpage2/big2.php gotta love that cracked cement on those pillars.
  • Aldo
    Don't call your work crap.

    Some people might try to make you feel better and encourage you. Others might just take your word for it.
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    GOBEE polycounter lvl 10
    haha.. sorry dude.. don't worry about the song too much. I had the same issue on my reel. Had one song up, someone complained about it. Put up another song and got the same reaction so, you're not going to satisfy everyone. I finally just took the song off my demo reel entirely. it's all personal choice, if u like the song, keep the song.. it's your reel.

    Oh yea, don't say your reel is crap anymore. Aldo makes a good point.. people will start agreeing with you if you keep saying it. Luckily, you have a lot of honest people responding with nice comments on your work. Keep at it and you're confidence will grow.
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Ditto...also another thing is that the resume section would not load properly to click....prolly my crappy firewall/connection...

    The room has a very nice warm metallic feel to it...its definitely worth shifting to the upper page when its refined a little bit more...

    not so crappy.
  • sub_roland
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    sub_roland polycounter lvl 12
    hey all, no longer a recent grad, and no longer rock the reel. I have, luckily, had the fine pleasure of working at a company, but am no longer with them. So i have redesigned and updated my website and would love some c&c hoping to have one more character model on there in the next week or so.

    link below
  • Ben Apuna
    Sorry to hear about you losing your job sub_roland, that sucks :(

    As for your website the thing that stands out the most is that you are currently violating the following rule from the Your Portfolio Repels Jobs thread/article and it's hurting your overall presentation.
    Jon Jones wrote: »
    [*] Vague thumbnails - A thumbnail exists to offer a relevant preview of a larger image. Yet I see thumbnails of random parts of a model that give me no indication of what I'm about to see. If I'm looking for medieval characters, how does a grainy thumbnail of the bottom of his foot help me find it?

    Perhaps you could make your thumbnails wider, that would allow you to show more of what the larger image is going to be without destroying the overall design aesthetic of your site.

    Your tube room and watch tower could both benefit from reworking the lighting to something more dramatic.

    Ditch Dorothy altogether, she reminds me too much of the millions of similar styled college work characters I've seen over the years.

    The props that are shown after clicking the first professional work thumbnail are pretty good you should break some of them out of there and give them each their own thumbnail and page.

    I think your Para Zombie is a cool idea, it took a while for me to figure out what I was looking at though and that's kind of bad for something so iconic. Perhaps giving some more love to the texture of it's eye would help sell the character a bit more. The materials of this character are all reading a bit too samey as well, try to get some more contrast into your spec map so that each of the different materials are identifiable. Boots should look like leather, exposed meat should be wet/shiny, etc...


    Just checked out your bio page, It's not in English. That really doesn't matter though as a bio page really isn't necessary, you might want to remove it as it's just a distraction from your work and resume.

    Oh yeah almost forgot to mention: Best of luck finding a new job.
  • sub_roland
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    sub_roland polycounter lvl 12
    hey thanks. i'll ditch dorothy after i finish my current character. and yeah i wil do some tweaking to the para zombie. and on the about me it's in laurel ipsum, which is like a place holder to see how it will look, but i hate writing about myself so i've just been putting it off. For some reason I feel i need to have 3 tabs on the left so that's why i also added it with the intention of completing it, but i may switch it over to a links page or something, to put in friends and inspiration websites. but not sure maybe i will just switch it only having a gallery and resume tabs. Thanks again for some ideas.
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