Hello there, I am new here and hoping to get some good crits on some work I have finished in the past. Starting off with this chain gun I modeled after the TF2 Heavy's weapon.
Since reading the Polycount getting into the business I am going to rework some of this try to get poly's way down and try to texture it but anyways here it is.



4. Wireframe

5. Poly count

I know there are some things that I can take out that would lower the count tremendously, like those screws are like a grand a piece, with 12 or so of them. I have one semester to get a portfolio worth presenting, so help me out! :P
a chaingun is a single-barrel, usually large calibre gun, with the firing mechanism electrically driven by a chain. you can typically vary the firing rate of a chaingun between several modes like high low and single shot.
a chaingun typically also has a feed from multiple ammunition chutes, most regularly 2 chutes are used, so you can select between for example AP or HE.
good example of a chaingun is the 25mm bushmaster used on the bradley IFV.
it looks like this:
a gatling gun is also electrically operated, but instead of a chain, it has multiple barrels rotating on a spiral mechanism that pulls the bolt back on each barrel until it reaches the feed, where the bullet is inserted, and then fired, like in this animation:
the gatling gun was one of the first guns to fire multiple rounds at the enemy, and was traditionally handcranked.
Well what you think about the modeling? Look? all that stuff?
Remember the silhouette, and try to keep that part mostly intact.
There seems to be one piece of the weapon that bothers me, and that is out of the bottom of the ammo chamber section, there is a pipe that comes out and goes underneath... this piece is faceted, where all of the other cylindrical objects on the gun smooth.
I would say to put a smoothing group on that part as well (minus the hex-shaped cap on the top, which obviously must stay faceted)
Repeat the faceted geometry in other places on the gun on certain cylindrical parts so that the one unsmoothed portion doesn't seem out of place.
Sweet weapon though, solid geometry, lets see textures!
I understand what you mean but what you said...I do not understand lol So the bottom piece should be smooth as well? Especially your second statement...
Wait hold on...You are saying i should use the 8-10 sided pipes else where on the gun to make it blend in more?
yeah basically. There is only one piece of the gun that has 8-10 sided hex, whereas all the other tubes are completely cylindrical. Maybe changing some of the smooth tubes into hex tubes would add some repeated design and some more visual interest. Only a suggestion, even still the gun looks awesome as is :P
Maybe when I go to chop down the Poly's I will smooth that one out to make it stand out less...
Thanks for pointing that out to me.