Here is the reference, the main one I was using is in the middle top left. I will add some skin folds in other areas of the model to blend between the sphynx head and the female anatomy better. I also plan to give her some dangly earings, a pile of rings around her neck an amulet and a princes Leah style bra, maybe also a necklace.
Oops thanks for pointing that out, I have amended the image, did not notice before. I think it does look a bit out of focus, this is due to using soft rgb and antialiasing while rendering, I will turn it off next time I render.
Quokimbo man you are psychic!!! Thanks for your help. That is exactly what I had planned when I mentioned the rings round her neck, thank you for providing me with the reference.
Great start, I'm interested in what direction you'll take the human torso, are you going to make it nice and tight like a model or are you going to have some of that wrinkled skin gradient down into the chest and back area?
It doesn't look like it would stretch a neck at all with these amount of rings. Think you better go back to do some of the underlying forms. What I see now is a smooth blob head with wrinkles put ontop. Think it would really come out more if you would define some facial features as human and some as feline, not counter them against each other and make it without facial features.
Thanks for the crits StJoris. I have tried to fix the neck rings and define the nose better, which other features do you feel need defining? I want to keep this a Sphynx head so I do not want to add any human facial features.
Maybe it's just me but I find the missing body a bit disturbing. Why not just chop the screenshot off and make it a bust? If you want to keep the rest of it I recommend hard edges around the chops so it's more like a proper sculpted bust. The round stumps are creepin me out
Thanks TWilson, I have hardened the edges around the cut off points, i can see where you were coming from. Started adding some skin folds, will finnish them next, then I will add her bra, amulets, earings, ect. Next update I plan to provide some renders from multiple angles.
the writing on the bra is very sharp and crisp, but the bettle and major shapes are mushy like sculpy. Use masks, and then sharpen them to get a hard edge. I usually do a sharpen then push them a few times, then i do blur mask and push 1 more time to have a smooth transition in the edges, so its not completly 90% angle.
the skin wrinkles in the torso seem too uniformal. Its trying to read as a shirt, but not quite. Either way, its deffinately not bald wrinkly skin.
Alright, I've been watching this for a while, and what keeps bugging me is that it very much looks like you took a human torso (with baggy turtleneck on), stuck a bunch of rings on top, and then a cat head on top of that. . . The pieces do not feel like they fit together.
I am trying to add a body to my bust sculpt. When I added the new whole body topology in Zbrush to project the details from my detailed mesh onto, I found that when previewing the topology mesh there were many missing faces and also some faces were connecting to the wrong points. I am fairly certain there is nothing wrong with the mesh when I exported it from Max and in edit topology mode it looks absolutely fine, so why when I use the preview feature does this happen? And how can I get around it so I can project the details from the detailed version?
Fixed the issue I was having with connecting the two meshes. Although I have not sculpted the torso yet this render should give a decent description of the shape she will take however I will probably make her look a bit more anorexic.
This is where she is currently at. Next area that needs a lot of work are the paws. After I am happy with the shape of the body then I will start adding in some wrinkles to the rest of the body.
On the chest and arms, there are two many wrinkles, and not enough muscle definition. Even though people have saggy extra skin, they still keep a muscular flow...You know what I mean?
You have no idea what I saw to find that lol...
Your model looks like she has no shoulder blades...
With regards to the tail: It does look broken and it bothers me when people stick it out at a 90 degree angle, its an extension of the spine after all.
BUT you also have to pay attention to how flexible cat tails are. If she was a rat, theres no chance that tail would work, but she's a cat.
The neck rings do not look to be stretching the neck at all, which is what those rings do. They stretch the neck so much that they end up being the main support for it. I don't see that happening on the model.
Agreed about the saggy skin, I'm glad Quokimbo took one for the team and scrounged that image up, not sure I could have been so brave =P
hey Quokimbo, what did you search for to find that!? I mean. . . you know, uh, so I uh. . . don't search for that. . . ya, that's why I wanted to know, I swear.
I believe it was just saggy skin, old people skin, bare saggy skin. Things along those lines...
I will be the grenade! LoL
Something else to see, it just hit me...If you are watching TV there is a Tylenol arthritis commercial, with all of the old people and their aching bodies. It is pretty much just body parts with a brown background...yeah I feel like a moron trying to explain this commercial lol...
dejawolf - Thanks for the crit, I have tried to fix the base of the tail, let me know what you think.
Quokimbo - OMG.....thanks for the crits, I will refine the skin folds but please no more granny bares all pics. I wan't her to look fairly young so old lady pics are thankfully not what I am looking for, but thanks for the time you spent making the effort to go through a huge displeasure finding that pic.
I aim to use her for a very large image I plan to render out in Maya Mental Ray and composite in Photoshop. The image will feature many characters who all have something in common, they are half human half sphynx cat. This character is the focus of the image and will be composited right in the middle on top of the golden throne carried by four soldiers, this as well as her ample expensive looking items of jewelry should give the impression that she is a very powerful woman. The items she wears will be African and Egyptian in design. She will be pointing and looking outside of the image slightly left of the viewer and should give the impression she is giving an order. The soldiers will use an adaption of her head, hands, tail and feet but for the rest of their figures I will adapt the anatomy I used for my Woody Harrelson/anatomy study model. Below and to the right of the throne carriers will be some visually starving peasants who are begging in the direction of Sascha. The background will have a few African tribal looking mud huts resting in and amongst an early evening time desert like environment, in the distance smoke can be seen rising from behind some of the more mountainous environment.
Below is the start of her throne, it is an adaption of the throne in the photoes. Personally I don't think this gold matcap does the right job for this throne but at least it is kinda gold like, I will texture it to look like the throne in the photoes.
In my eyes the Zbrush sculpting for this throne is now complete, other details can be added through a bump map, I am open to any suggestions regarding how I can improve this. It is mapped already so I will probably texture it next.
Thank you BoBo_the_seal. I am not sure how I could make that hole, but I do agree with u. I think I will have to wait till I take the model back into Maya.
Still to give her a pose which is not symetrical but she is sitting on a proxy model of the throne at the moment.
This is an idea for how her soldiers helmets could look, crits comments and suggestions would be welcome.
Thanks for the help guys. I can't see the picture, would you possibly be able to re-post it. I have found some time to work on her again today so expect an update later.
On the chest and arms, there are two many wrinkles, and not enough muscle definition. Even though people have saggy extra skin, they still keep a muscular flow...You know what I mean?
the kitty boobs seem awfully small. its like they are not even big enough for an "A' cup. i would just pull them out a bit personally. not a lot but a little if she is going to have human like proportions than i would make them a little bigger. right now her chest just seems so flat its kind of weird to me. at the same time if you like how it is now that's fine too, i don't think it would matter too much if they changed.
Looks interesting but makes my eyes water. Looks out of focus?
Maybe not as long, but maybe 6 of them?
Promising piece, best of luck
Looks good otherwise ...keep at it
It kind of reminds me of this penny arcade comic.
Here are some renders from multiple angles and some close ups on the bra details.
the skin wrinkles in the torso seem too uniformal. Its trying to read as a shirt, but not quite. Either way, its deffinately not bald wrinkly skin.
I am trying to add a body to my bust sculpt. When I added the new whole body topology in Zbrush to project the details from my detailed mesh onto, I found that when previewing the topology mesh there were many missing faces and also some faces were connecting to the wrong points. I am fairly certain there is nothing wrong with the mesh when I exported it from Max and in edit topology mode it looks absolutely fine, so why when I use the preview feature does this happen? And how can I get around it so I can project the details from the detailed version?
You have no idea what I saw to find that lol...
Your model looks like she has no shoulder blades...
BUT you also have to pay attention to how flexible cat tails are. If she was a rat, theres no chance that tail would work, but she's a cat.
The neck rings do not look to be stretching the neck at all, which is what those rings do. They stretch the neck so much that they end up being the main support for it. I don't see that happening on the model.
Agreed about the saggy skin, I'm glad Quokimbo took one for the team and scrounged that image up, not sure I could have been so brave =P
I will be the grenade! LoL
Something else to see, it just hit me...If you are watching TV there is a Tylenol arthritis commercial, with all of the old people and their aching bodies. It is pretty much just body parts with a brown background...yeah I feel like a moron trying to explain this commercial lol...
Quokimbo - OMG.....thanks for the crits, I will refine the skin folds but please no more granny bares all pics. I wan't her to look fairly young so old lady pics are thankfully not what I am looking for, but thanks for the time you spent making the effort to go through a huge displeasure finding that pic.
Vig - Thank you, I will add an extra ring or two.
Levus - Thank you.
Here is the latest. Working on the hands atm.
I aim to use her for a very large image I plan to render out in Maya Mental Ray and composite in Photoshop. The image will feature many characters who all have something in common, they are half human half sphynx cat. This character is the focus of the image and will be composited right in the middle on top of the golden throne carried by four soldiers, this as well as her ample expensive looking items of jewelry should give the impression that she is a very powerful woman. The items she wears will be African and Egyptian in design. She will be pointing and looking outside of the image slightly left of the viewer and should give the impression she is giving an order. The soldiers will use an adaption of her head, hands, tail and feet but for the rest of their figures I will adapt the anatomy I used for my Woody Harrelson/anatomy study model. Below and to the right of the throne carriers will be some visually starving peasants who are begging in the direction of Sascha. The background will have a few African tribal looking mud huts resting in and amongst an early evening time desert like environment, in the distance smoke can be seen rising from behind some of the more mountainous environment.
Below is the start of her throne, it is an adaption of the throne in the photoes. Personally I don't think this gold matcap does the right job for this throne but at least it is kinda gold like, I will texture it to look like the throne in the photoes.
- BoBo
Still to give her a pose which is not symetrical but she is sitting on a proxy model of the throne at the moment.
This is an idea for how her soldiers helmets could look, crits comments and suggestions would be welcome.
I found this picture today,- though it could be of good use perhaps (textures, colours,...)
way to take one for the team quokimbo
And here is the start of the first male soldier.
Seriously though, this is coming along great.
I demand cat nipples!