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Xbox 360 GTA locking up on me!

polycounter lvl 18
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nitzmoff polycounter lvl 18
I know that many gta owners out there had their share of technical difficulties and I had thought I was not one of them. Never had a problem until yesterday, around the 10 or 15 hr or so mark in the game probably when shortly after leaving my safe house the game completely crashed, froze the screen and locked up all controls on my xbox. Now the game crashes every time I play as soon as it cuts from the intro image sequence to Niko in the apartment.

I've never had a red ring. My other games work perfectly. What's going on? I'm hesitant to mail take 2 just yet and get the expected 'we're aware of the problem and looking into it.'

Someone told me I had best erase my save and restart but I think if I have to do that I'll just as soon quit the game.


  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    is your xbox online? heard rumors about server crashing from time to time and then the game freezes tiil it has contact to the server
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    I had my fair share of lock ups, but it's just from trying to connect to online games. Usually I turn it off and on again and everything is fine.
  • nitzmoff
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    nitzmoff polycounter lvl 18
    My xbox is indeed connected to the network, but that's never been a problem before. I've tried playing many times over the course of the last 24 hrs and can never get more than about 5 seconds into the actual game before it goes down. :(
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    i have neither a xbox nor gta4 so i can only tell what my friends are telling me. did you download the latest patch and did you try to play offline, or did you try to play your game on someone elses xbox?
  • obson
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    obson polycounter lvl 17
    I had similar problems the first week or so I had the game. It would freeze after playing anywhere from 10 seconds to 3 minutes.

    After I registered my game on the rockstar social club site it seemed to go away.

    Of course, now a few weeks later it's freezing on every game after a few seconds. I think that's just my 360 about to die though.
  • nitzmoff
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    nitzmoff polycounter lvl 18
    How does registering your game on a social site remedy a problem with a game?
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    nitzmoff wrote: »
    How does registering your game on a social site remedy a problem with a game?
    Your account is linked to your xbox-live account and if they like you enough they remotely disable the freezing setting for you(they built that into gta4 to prevent those swearing kids on xbox live from playing it). DUH!
  • obson
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    obson polycounter lvl 17
    nitzmoff wrote: »
    How does registering your game on a social site remedy a problem with a game?

    Yeah, I don't claim to know the specifics. But the game is always checking your stats and (I guess) sending and receiving data from a server. I'm assuming that's why playing with out being connected to the interwebs worked for some people.

    That never worked for me however. But, the first time I tried playing after registering on the social club website it worked perfectly. This was after about a week and a half of it crashing consistently after a minute or two. I guess it's possible it was a huge coincidence though.
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