Hey all, this is my first attempt at creating a realistic base mesh for use in Mudbox. I made a male and female version. I need some fresh eyes to look at them. Tell me what I should fix, both in topology and anatomy. I am trying to find a balance between which muscles should be modeled and which are not big enough and should be included in the normal map. Here is the unsmoothed wireframe and at the bottom the smoothed versions in mudbox. I made the man first, and the female has almost the exact same wireframe. Something bothers me about the upwards view especially, something isn't right with my models...I can't quite put my finger on it. I am sure there are plenty of problems...they are far from prefect. I can't take all the credit for the topology, Thanks to all the artists I looked at for reference and inspiration. -Steven Stahlberg, Alex Stratulat, Gary newman, and many many others. I used a mixture of Andrew loomis and 3d.sk for picture planes. Modeled in 3dsmax, and both are under 4300 polys each. I will eventually like to rig these guys to at least pose them, so are they animation worthy? I know I still have a long way to go but thought I should get some more opinions before I continue. Critique away....thanks, -Eric Wiley
Also, the eyes and mouth are hollow right now, so ignore that at the moment.
hope it helps! and i'm looking forward to updates! (oh and it looks more like 8600 triangles to me)