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Model sheet that needs feed back

Hello my names Martina and i will be graduating from The Art Institute of - California this quarter. This piece is one for my portfolio what to you think? Crtits Comments?
Thank you much!



  • kat
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    kat polycounter lvl 17
    I'd been inclined to make the uprights where they join the bench thicker as I'm assuming they're part of the 'growth' of the tree stump?
  • ImSlightlyBored
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    ImSlightlyBored polycounter lvl 13
    I'd throw on the stats if your gonna include tech things, so how many tris are used and what size the maps are. I think a tri count will go someway to showing whether that suspect hole was worth it or not too.

    Personally (And I reckon some will disagree with this) I wouldnt include that normal map (at this res its hard to see any details, it looks like it was just nvidia filtered or something. Not a bad thing, but not anything that desperately needs including is all. I think we can see how well your normal map works just from the renders.)

    Mapping wise it looks ok, but as you seem to have unique space on all the trunk (no tiles) maybe try breaking it up a little, as you can afford to.

    Are the boards removable so you can have another asset from this set? (ie a plain trunk?) Judging by some of the things youve put in the map it looks like it is. I dont know what others thoughts are on showing that, if thats the case. I think it'd show you can get mileage from one prop, but I'd wait for more input on that.

    Hope some of that helps!
  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    the hole/knot thing is pretty dang round. I think you could get away with less sides in it. Looks like you just took your diffuse and plugged it into nivdia's plugin for your normals. They don't really seem to be doing much, so maybe go and try to paint the normals so they pop more.
  • kio
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    kio polycounter lvl 16
    you could easily reduce the polycount quite a bit - just throw all the stuff away which isn't defining any shape, like the edge loop in the middle of each plank.
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