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City Building Scene (WIP)

polycounter lvl 16
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Wilex polycounter lvl 16
Hi everyone, this is my first thread on poly count. I'm working on a modular building for one of my classes, well at least I’m attempting to make the building modular and i would greatly appreciate your comments and critiques as I work my way through this.

Just so you know where I’m going with this. My goal is to create a modular building for a portfolio piece. I would also like to have my final renders done in the unreal 3 engine. As far as poly budget goes our instructor gave us quite a bit a freedom he said "Next Gen" as in playstation 4 and Xbox 720 etc. I'm hoping you guys can help me as far as slapping me on the wrist when im not using poly's wisely. As far as textures go I’m going to use as few as possible mostly 1024's maybe a 2048 if the scene needs it. Same goes for normal maps if the piece needs it I’ll at it if it’s a waste of a map I’ll hold off. I'll also be doing several props to support the environment.

Also this is my first time working in Max in a couple of years ive been using Maya for quite a while. So any tips on working with max would be great.

On to the images.

Here's the building ref im working from.




Here's a shot of my scene so far.


Modular pieces so far.

Last but not least my props so far.





  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    Instead of showing wireframe mode show edge faces (f4), less of a head ache. Focus on your modular pieces for your buildings first then start making props. Also you have way to many segments in that arch you can get away with a lot less. Nice start.
  • Flewda
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    Flewda polycounter lvl 17
    This is showing a lot of promise. The modeling looks solid so far. I'm not sure if the textures shown so far are placeholder or not, so I won't critique them at this point.

    Agree with Cojax's comments, especially on the f4 :)

    Keep it up dude.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    The building looks a little short compared to the image. Looks good.

  • Wilex
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    Wilex polycounter lvl 16
    Hi guys, Thanks for the comments.

    Cojax - I wish I could focus on just the modular pieces but I have to have a prop modeled with maps on it for each week. Thanks for the tips, I dropped the amount of edges on that arch.

    Flewda - The textures aren't finished I’ll show my maps in my next post hopefully finished.

    Sage - Thanks, the building was short I was just making a quick guess at how my modular elements were going to lay out but I think I got the scale issues worked out now.

    Update time. I don't have much to show this time my external hard drive kicked the bucket on me so i had to make up some work i had lost on another environment I’ve been working on and it really cut my time for this project. So here's what i got. Just the store fronts. I adjusted the scale of the building and the whole scene to use the unreal player height of 96 units as about 6ft tall. I should have some more updates on this project soon. The White block on the corner is the Unreal player scale.

    Any tips or plug-in’s for modeling in Max would be greatly appreciated. I really need to improve the speed of my workflow. I always seem to get stuck fighting the tools especially pivot points on sub objects. I guess working in maya for so long has spoiled me.

  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    Did you fix the building height? The reason i ask is because you mentioned it and it looks like an update, but they seem too short still... Of course if you are not going by the ref that's okay too. It's your work so do as you please.

    Check out polyboost if you want more bells and whistles with modeling and I think they have tools for placing the pivots. I never use them so I don't really know. Also check out the thread that talks about max plugins in the technical thread. Sorry to hear about the hardrive. I hate it when they crap out.


    check this site as well



  • Wilex
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    Wilex polycounter lvl 16
    Thanks for the reply sage and the links. I'll defiantly check them out and get some plug-in’s. I think i was having trouble with my modeling because I had been up all night and I wasn't approaching things like I should have. I probably should have been working on the elements while they were parallel with the grid but I was trying to get the size for the caddy corner store front and model it at the same time.

    I'm trying to go by the ref as close as I can. Here's an adjustment to the scale. It became very apparent when I started to add in the other elements on the first floor. I'm guessing that each floor/window is around 12 feet so about 2 Unreal size players plus about a foot or two for all the molding type work in between the sections. Here are some shots of how I’m trying to guestimate the scale. Let me know what you think.


  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] polycounter lvl 18
    For the scale, if you're going by 96uu as 6', you can use 1uu = 0.75". The default in Max is 1unit per 1", though I'm not sure if that actually affects anything when you're exporting or not. The default grid snap setting in UnrealEd is 16uu though, so if you set your grids in Max to have lines every 4 and major lines every 8 (I think the default is 10), it'll be easier to line-up. Then if you enable the "Use Axis Center As Starting Snap Point" (or something like that) in Max's grid snap settings, and then always use 2 axis handles at a time while moving objects, it'll snap the objects to the grid based on their pivot point (that being the axis center if it's moving in 2 axes) instead of handling the snaps the way it does by default.

    To get the pivots where you want them, you can go into the hierarchy menu and hit "affect pivot only", and then you can go to the Align tool, click on the object that the pivot is for, and choose the min/max of the object's bounding box as the new position for the pivot point so you can get it positioned in a corner.

    Looking good so far, keep it up!
  • Wilex
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    Wilex polycounter lvl 16
    Thanks for the for the info fly_soup. Unreal discards whether or not its inches or feet altogether and just goes off of the number so I opted out and just used generic units for the scene, it just seemed easier than looking at 16ths of an inch. It took me a while to figure out to set my snaps like that which it really is nice for me because I’m use to the snaps in Maya but the other night I was having an issue where I got it stuck on using only two axis constraints and I only wanted to use one. I also have problems where it tries to use another vertex than what I have selected as the starting snap point, I really started to miss Maya at this point, I don’t know if it was just a bug in the tool or some check box or setting I messed up. Messing with the axis constrain toolbar didn’t seem to help either.

    I was wondering about having parts welded together. Right now I have my arch's welded because I could see a space in between them but ideally if I could just have a singular modular arch and I could duplicate it and line them up in perfectly in unreal would you still see the space or seam in between the two? Well for my scene I would have three modular arches.

    I'll try to have another update tomorrow with more of the modeling done. Thanks for the help guys i really appreciate it.
  • gamedev
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    gamedev polycounter lvl 12
    I was wondering about having parts welded together. Right now I have my arch's welded because I could see a space in between them but ideally if I could just have a singular modular arch and I could duplicate it and line them up in perfectly in unreal would you still see the space or seam in between the two? Well for my scene I would have three modular arches.
    If you're modeling to the grid and using power of 2 dimensions (8,16,32,64,128 etc) then you'll be able to take advantage of the grid snapping in Unreal and provided your mesh was made on the grid, it will snap perfectly together without any seams.

    Good luck

  • Wilex
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    Wilex polycounter lvl 16
    I'm interested now gamedev. So I’m guessing you set up the grid to a power of two in max kind of like fly_soup was suggesting lines every 4 and major lines every 8. So then you block out how your modular sections are going to work out only using blocks that are in powers of two. Could you have a section that’s 512 Height 256 Width and 1024 Length? Do Height Width and Length need to be a power of two for this to work correctly or can you get by with just two or one even?

    It would be awesome to be able to snap these modular sections into place but at this stage I don't think I could pull it off because the scale of the first floor is at least 576 units high. I don't think it will feel correct to the scale at all to drop it to 512.

    I'm going to need some more explanation on how this works. I don't understand how you could keep correct scale for your scene while working within powers of two. The way I’m understanding it now is either I scale the building down so the first floor is 512 high and it feels smaller to players than it should or I shoot it up to 1024. It just doesn’t seem like it gives you enough flexibility. Unless I keep my scale and just make awkward cuts to make the modular sections fit the power of two.

    Any more info on this is greatly appreciated. If I can I would love to apply it to this scene or a new one.
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] polycounter lvl 18
    576 will still work because even though it's not a power of two itself, it can be cleanly divided into powers of two (512 + 64), so it still lines up with the grid in Unreal.
  • Wilex
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    Wilex polycounter lvl 16
    Thanks for the info fly_soup. I'm going to have to get a copy of Unreal for my PC at home so i can get this environment going in unreal my school is going to be closing for summer break soon so i won't be able to use theirs.

    Here's a little update on my modeling. I'll be posting an update with textures in a couple of hours. All critiques and comments are greatly appreciated.


  • PeterK
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    PeterK greentooth
    Wilex, your scene has wonderful potential. The polygon flow is clean and well laid out. good job on that.

    I think the textures on the props need attention. They don't show realistic weathering, just a general "meh" overlay effect. Edged wear out before panels do, dirt congregates in corners and grooves. Maybe an AO pass on baked into the diffuse would help ease the "flat" look.

    Hope I was helpful, the scene is very interesting so far.
  • NanaD
    Hey Wilex, I agree completely with what PeterK posted, your geometry is really nice. Your Newsboxes? would look a whole lot nicer with a more realistic wear texture.


    I thought this Newspaper box had a pretty cool worn look, It looks like people kick the bottom or it, or dirty water/mud gets on it from passing cars.

    I'm not sure that I understand your Unreal question correctly, you should be able to snap your pieces together even if they aren't exactly 512 1024...etc. What I do for oddly sized pieces is go to View -> Drag Grid and set it to a number like 1 or 2 instead of 16. Then you can move your pieces around in smaller increments or get oddly sized pieces together.

    I hope that helps! I can't wait to see your scene with textures.
  • Wilex
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    Wilex polycounter lvl 16
    Thanks for the replies. I think I’m just fighting myself with the UV layout I have. I tried to make it so most of the map tiles horizontally that way I can get more pixel density onto the parts that i didn't give their own unique UV space but this makes it kind of awkward for doing an AO pass and when adding grunge it repeats in ways that don't really make any sense.

    I'll try re-arranging the UV's and getting some more parts their own unique space. I'll see how far i can shrink down the front before it looks low res. Here's an image of my color/UV layout for the Newspaper box. The texture is really clean and that’s not what I want but I guess I’ll have to do some problem solving with my UV layout.


    Thanks NanaD, so I guess as long as the edges of my modular chunks snap to a grid of some power of 2 I can get them to snap around with the U3 settings. I really haven’t been able to spend enough time with the editor.
  • Joe March
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    Joe March polycounter lvl 17
    I can imagine the nightmares of trying to unwrap this..
  • Wilex
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    Wilex polycounter lvl 16
    Yeah i had to get a plug-in for Max for the UV editor. I still miss the editor from Maya though. I'm just trying to take it one piece at a time but it's slow and time consuming.
  • Wilex
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    Wilex polycounter lvl 16
    Here's a little update my first texture for the building. As you can see I’m letting my normal map do all the work. Both maps are 1024's at the moment but because of the simplicity of the color map I may shrink it to a 512 or see how a 256 looks. I think I’m getting close to the ref image let me know if there's any improvements I can make. I'm not really sure what do with the spec map at the moment but I’m pretty sure I should make one.

    You may be able to see what I’m trying to do with the window Eric gave me the idea of making a color and opacity to throw on the plane that just had a little bit of dirt/residue showing. I don't know how this will look in unreal or if it needs something else to pull off the glass effect.


    One of the crits I got during my final presentation was that my bricks looked like giant Lego’s hopefully I’ve corrected this I was just trying to match the reference images
  • Kawe
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    Kawe polycounter lvl 8
    A question. How did you make your normal map?
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    For an object as small as that newspaper stand, 1024x1024 seems a bit overkill. You could easily give the entire object unique texture space on that size, and it'll still look great.

    Regarding UVs in Max, which plugin did you get, and what do you miss from Maya's UV editor? Max has pretty much all the same commands, and scripts available for those it doesn't have by default (aligning/spacing etc).

    Unwrapping an object like that looks pretty easy to me. I'd just give everything a flat Planar map to start, select all the edges you want to be seams, hit Break in the UV editor to split them, then do a Relax on all parts, should get you off to a pretty good start and the pixel density will be consistent. Will probably need some manual layout/aligning, but in general it shouldn't be much work at all.

    Apart from that, I'm just gonna echo what the others have said so far - the lowpoly modelling looks good and the scene in general seems well made, but the textures need a LOT of work. Go for more photo reference, don't try to hand-paint everything, it will just look flat and lacking in variation.

    Hope that helps.
  • Wilex
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    Wilex polycounter lvl 16
    Kawe, for my normal map I baked geometry to get the large brick pattern. I used the Nvidia filter for the finer detail on the concrete pillars and molding and for the larger/medium details on the brick I used crazy bump then overlayed it with the normal map I had baked out.

    MoP, I'll shrink the newspaper box down to a 512 map and see what I can get with unique UV space and more photo ref. I kept getting comments at school that it looked low res so I figured reusing UV space and overlapping parts would fix that. Adding detail when the UV's were overlapped just repeated it too much.

    As for my Max plug-in I’m using Unwrap Tools MaxScript v1.5 from http://www.sloft.net/ it's pretty nice but the alignment seems to work off of an average vertex position where as Maya’s will push all the uv's to line up with the furthest one in the direction you choose the only other gripe I have is the move and scale tools it would be nice to change them. I’ve gotten use to most of the other tools.
    Thanks for the replies. I’ll rework the newspaper box today and try to get up another section of the building textured.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Hehe, I actually prefer the "average" aligning feature over the max/min stuff that Maya has, I ended up writing a MEL script to do the averaging so I could use that in Maya.

    What do you mean by "it would be nice to change" the move and scale tools?
    It might be worth you checking out the free-form UV editing tool if you haven't already, it works pretty much like how Photoshop's Free Transform works, and combines move/rotate/scale all into one tool. Worth getting used to, it's a big time saver.

    Also, don't get too hung up on people saying "it looks low res"... low res compared to what? If they mean that the pixel density isn't fairly uniform across the object or the scene, then yeah that should probably be fixed, but there's a big difference between "looking good" and "looking low-res" ... you can use the biggest texture in the world and still have a bad-looking asset, while a lot of game artists can make a 256x256 look amazing. It's just a matter of working cleverly and having an artists eye for detail, colour and composition.
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