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Vertex normal error in Maya

polycounter lvl 11
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Yozora polycounter lvl 11
Spent all morning searching older threads for a solution but couldnt find one.
Im trying to mirror the UVs of the head but keep the face unique.
The problem is better explained in this image:


Usually when I run into these problems, deleting half the mesh and mirroring the object or using soften edge fixes it but this is for mirroing 2 exact halves together without the unique face.
I know that there is nothing wrong with my normal map.

I also tried using the vertex normal edit tool and rotated the normal in every direction and it never looked right -.- splitting the vertex didnt help either (not that it should, but I tried it anyway)


  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Maya's realtime display of mirrored UVs on normalmaps (or objects with negative scale) can get pretty funky at times.
    Chances are it will probably look alright in a game engine. Try viewing it in a different app (like XNormal) or try to get a custom .fx or .cg shader working in the Maya viewport, they might handle it better than the default High-Quality Rendering setup (which I assume is what you're using).
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    tried using this shader: http://boards.polycount.net/showthread.php?t=49920

    and the problem was still there, so then I tried using xnormal and got a slightly different problem:


    It looks better but now you can see the edge between the face and the bottom of the head, whereas on the other half of the face there is obviously no seam. Is this seam unavoidable?
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