Bigger images(or at least links to them), wireframes and polycounts please. And what is it supposed to be, especially those chambers in the top images.
Overall the images are looking cool. I agree with oglemeanimations about bigger images and more info in general. Not sure if I suppose to be looking at next gen environments or just cutscene stuff.
The lighting in the bottom image is really nice. Not sure what the green pods are suppose to be but you have me intrigued.
oglemeanimations, I was going for algae cover holding tanks. Here are some slightly larger images. The ideation is that this is a floor on a spaceship, i would call it a industrial/cargo level. The tanks would be for shipping live water/liquid based life forms.
the whole level is 215850 tris. the tanks occupy 1/4 of the level.
kinikuR6, that 3rd shot in the first post is through the glass on the lift in the center of the level
- The glass shader needs work. It looks like you're using a map for the reflection? The reflection doesn't seem to match the environment around it? Think about rendering out a cube/envrio map and use that.
- The inside of the tank(s) is pretty nasty but the fish and the water look kind of clean?
- The lighting could use a lot of work. Think about making the tanks glow, or faking the bounce lighting they would produce. It helps me to work on the lighting in passes. Ambient, key lights and then bounce lighting.
- The overall light level needs to be bumped down, and the color of the lights adjusted to reflect some kind of mood. White = insanity or clinical, think about what this room does, what kind of lights you can use to convey that meaning and use the tanks for all they are worth.
- I think you could optimize some of the pipes and beams. The overall poly count seems kind of high and I'm not really sure where it all went?
I would lower the value of your primary lights you are using to light the scene so you can get some better contrast and atmosphere.. seems a little flat and even. Every light should have a VISIBLE source. Textures could use some dirt and grime as well but good start.
Maybe it's just me, but from here the texture on those tanks reads more like oxidized copper than algae covered tanks. Might wanna grab some ref of algae on fish tanks and take a second pass at it.
i personally think this scene is lacking a lot of lighting. a cool idea but i think there should be really dramatic shadows in places. ambient occ pass would quickly start pulling everything together. also agree with taking another pass on the tanks. the texture on it seems scaled out of place. like it should be scaled down some. over all though a cool scene just keep at it and it will be awesome.
here are some updated renders. I took your advice and overhauled the tank glass texture, and also changed up the lighting.
please let me know if the renders are too dark, the left side is straight from max, and the right side is after a little post level tu.
my lcd is mega bright, even with brightness on 0, lol. so please give me feedback on the scene and the contrast in the renders. thx
i like those top to. really like the one on the right as there isnt super darks but still dark. better lighting. so these tanks are supposed to be clear? and thats green stuff floating inside of clear liquid?
i was going for water filled glass tanks that haven't been cleaned in a while. so i made some algae like sstuff and composited it with a glass texture and a water texture with a composite material. is there a better way to get what i am looking for. i've been staring at them so long, i'm not sure what they look like anymore, ugh
The lighting in the bottom image is really nice. Not sure what the green pods are suppose to be but you have me intrigued.
the whole level is 215850 tris. the tanks occupy 1/4 of the level.
kinikuR6, that 3rd shot in the first post is through the glass on the lift in the center of the level
- The glass shader needs work. It looks like you're using a map for the reflection? The reflection doesn't seem to match the environment around it? Think about rendering out a cube/envrio map and use that.
- The inside of the tank(s) is pretty nasty but the fish and the water look kind of clean?
- The lighting could use a lot of work. Think about making the tanks glow, or faking the bounce lighting they would produce. It helps me to work on the lighting in passes. Ambient, key lights and then bounce lighting.
- The overall light level needs to be bumped down, and the color of the lights adjusted to reflect some kind of mood. White = insanity or clinical, think about what this room does, what kind of lights you can use to convey that meaning and use the tanks for all they are worth.
- I think you could optimize some of the pipes and beams. The overall poly count seems kind of high and I'm not really sure where it all went?
Keep at it, you're on a good path!
please let me know if the renders are too dark, the left side is straight from max, and the right side is after a little post level tu.
my lcd is mega bright, even with brightness on 0, lol. so please give me feedback on the scene and the contrast in the renders. thx