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Actor X .dll placment

This is a small question but, i am trying to get actor X to work in XSI. I have the newest DLL file but i am at a loss as to what directory i am suppose to place it. Does anyone know?


  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    it does it for you. go into the file menu and look into the help for installing plugins.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    yes. file > plugins > install. it's not easy to find.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    ElysiumGX wrote: »
    yes. file > plugins > install. it's not easy to find.

    Oh man, and here I was thinking I wasn't going to fill my sarcasm quota for today! poly104.gif
  • Ephesians 2:8-9
    My biggest issue is that Collada does not export soft edges through XSI correctly so i figured maybe using Actor X would be a better tool. So far the previous recomendations have yet to work. Nor do the tips on UDN. Sorry ElysiumGX.

    Maybe i am downlaoding the wrong Actor X file? Compadability issue maybe? I'm using XSI 6.1. It seemed the only up to date UDN Actor X available was for 6.5. Thats' probably it but i hope not.
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 20
    Yeah that's probably it.
    Plugins are rarely backward compatible like that.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    For the .dll, you would use the File>Plugins>Manager>Load method. But since that is a beta for 6.5, you may not be able to properly load it.

    You could try one of the older versions provided on UDN, for version 5.1. Those are the addon files, which you simply install by using File>Addon>Install.

    I don't understand your reasoning for using this exporter before trying other formats such as .X and .FBX. Both provided as simple .addon files as well.

    Good luck, and God Bless.
  • Ephesians 2:8-9
    And to you my friend. Thanks for the help.

    Its for Unreal editor 3. ".FBX" can be imported into Unreal?
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Ah, it's for UEd3. Probably not.

    If you still want to try the latest version, place the dll file here:
    C:\users\(your name here)\Softimage\XSI_6.5\Application\Plugins\

    If that doesn't work for your version, older files appear to work. I just ran a test. I installed the ActorX addon i use for my copy of 4.2 into the ModTool, which is version 6. From that, I was able to export an ASE file. So you could follow my earlier suggestion. I've easily exported for UT2k4, and will be using this addon for UT3 starting soon.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    Export as an .ase file it works like a charm. I haven'tried for animated models though.
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