I recently got in to the DropBox beta and have 9 remaining invites for anyone who'd like to use it.
It's awesome for anyone who wants to share files from home, work, or anywhere.
More importantly: It has a lot of practical uses for many of us here at
- Instantly share images, no need for server space online
- Instantly create a portfolio if one is needed in a pinch, or if you want to show a batch of images quickly
- Unlimited storage & bandwidth
- For the beta, its locked @ 2GB
- Revision control <--AWESOME
- Awesome for us artists. Every time you SAVE a file, its copied on their servers and you can roll back to it at any point.
- Access your files from any computer, even those without it installed.
- DropBox has an online interface that you can login from anywhere.
Here are some examples of things I've mentioned above, using files on my computer:
This image is on my computer, and I simply right clicked it, clicked on Dropbox, then clicked on "Copy public link". Voila!

And here's an example of making a portfolio in a pinch:
My portfolio!
So, who wants an account? Send me a PM with your email and you're in. They'll go to the first 9 people who PM me. However! Anyone who gets in a beta, including those I've invited, will also get 10 invites to send to people so really, anyone who wants in on this can.
The way the invites work is the first 9 people will share a folder with me called "Polycount". If you want to invite 10 more people yourself, make a NEW folder and share that folder with them, not the Polycount one. Make sense?
Once this is out of beta there will be a monthly fee for this, so it won't be free forever. But its definitely a service I think we can all use here.
I'll grab an account if theres any still going?
not to do a mac fanboy rant but I can sync my computers with .mac and it offers all of what they explain there, established for x years.
So yes, if I were a windows user I'd jump on it and hump the life out of it but I suggest mac users (all 3 of us!) to use .mac as it's VERY tightly integrated to mac osx
It would be nice if I could have those tools for my website since I'm already paying for it.
hawken - does .mac do revision control? I didn't think it did, but if so thats awesome.
because if DropBox holds more and is cheaper (not to mention revisions) it could still be something worth using for mac users. Especially if you can share a folder with a non-payer (can you share editable folders in .mac?)
also, I made some folders in the Polycount folder. Stuff like Inspiration and Tutorials where we can all contribute.
Since we all have 10 invites we can invite all the trusted members of PC that want in to the folder and have it as a big open database of files for us to use. you know, if anyone is interested.
i only use box.net because of the firefox addon that keeps my bookmarks auto synced between about 4 computers ^^
Jeff Craighead
Doctoral Candidate
University of South Florida
If anybody with a spare invite could PM me I would be really grateful!
Does anybody know how much space you get with this thing by the way?
Another would be the bookmark / calender / mail / dock syncing
But no it doesn't accommodate shared users on the same file repository or versioning of files. I don't know how long drop box can, as they are not google, but maybe they hope to be bought?
The reason I mentioned Dropbox here is because of revision control and the idea of people working together.