Hey, Im Andreas (Aka - Wrongfire) from the team bringing forth a free Naruto MMO (Naruto; Will of Fire). Its been in development for about a year and we have just finished the graphics engine.
We are a small team of around 6 (1 Programmer (The creator), 2 Audio, and 3 Artists) and are in need of some help.
This is where my request comes in. I need either a 3d artist who is into the Naruto universe. (You will be helping make this because you love the show/manga and want to create a great game.. not for money) or at the very least a simple 3d character model. (Thats really all we need right now.. We are all still learning after all)
The game is in its early pre-alpha stages, and will feature colorful graphics that follows the style of the show, Action based combat, 90% pvp gameplay, A full player economy, and hopefully one of the few fun MMO experiences out there. (Say goodbye too grinding)
Stats play very small part in the game. You can wear any armor at anytime and use any weapon as long as you can afford it. Since most armor is cosmetic it matters little.
The game is about skill not about level.
Early 3D models.

Concept art-

As you can see the graphics are simple. We only need someone who can create 3d character models right now but will gladly take anyone who wants to help us.
If you have any questions please email me at
I will be glad to answer any question that I can.
Like I said we don't need incredible super graphics just something simple and/or stylish and that it conforms to the Naruto universe.
Thanks for taking your time to read this. Hope you will consider signing up at Narutoonline.webhop.net
FYI- This is an Indie game - We create this in our freetime, and if you join you will too. You will help us when you have time to, if your busy then we will wait. This is a very relaxed community. We aren't rushing, nor do we need to rush.
That is all.
great job
advice.. stop naruto junk now. and use what you have learned to do something else.. something not stolen from someone elses property
And of course there will be a disclaimer.
And yeah.. its something we will have to deal with if the game actually seems to get to the point where we know we will be releasing it.. but right now nobody knows what will happen. We may run into a glitch that halts production.. Or something like that.
And too be honest I don't care what happens here. I learned alot... Thats all the matters too me. The game could just stop now and Id be fine with it.
So I don't think I wasted anything.
Regardless.. I thought id ask.
@Wrongfire: The idea of sticking your head in the sand until you MIGHT have to deal with it is unrealistic.
What I suggest is that you modify your work to remove any Naruto references - take what you have and run with it. Making an anime style game is fine, taking ideas is fine.
I, however, am stating that attempting to get permission is a pointless exercise. You say you don't know a whole lot about game, however several of us do which is why we are telling them explicitly that they will get sued. We know how IP works.
If you wish to discuss this further, move it to PMs so that we do not have to clutter up this thread.