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Anyone play this little game

polycounter lvl 20
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Sage polycounter lvl 20
I was contacted by a friend of my sister, who is interested in making a game similar to this for fun.

At any rate I have been playing this and after awhile I started to like it. Anyone else try this game?



  • RustyFranks
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    RustyFranks polycounter lvl 17
    i'm in the 300-400 range on eta... been getting bored lately though. also play tribal wars which i enjoy because it's a bit more militaristic. i think i'm just gonna go all out military on ikariam from now on and just rape and pillage :poly009::poly009::poly009:
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    I have an account on alpha, gamma and delta servers. I started out on Delta. Currently I waiting for the the damn expand upgrade to finish, then I have to research professional army. I hate how everything takes soo damn long. I messed up a few times while upgrading. For example I thought at first that all I had to do was upgrade my barracks to level 4 to get Phallax units but then I realized I needed the damn professional army. I upgraded my barracks all the way up to level 5 before I realized this. The only reason I keep playing is because I really like the artwork there and I want to see it all. :) Otherwise I would have left, although i think I'm getting addicted to the stupid game. Nooo.

    I can't wait for my professional army. There are a few players on my island that have not donated shit to the mill or the sulfer mine. I have donated over a grand in building supplies already and i have only been playing a few days and I need something to do so.

  • RustyFranks
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    RustyFranks polycounter lvl 17
    just wait a few weeks.... it gets worse. i'm waiting on robotics atm ... about 17days left lol. saving up crystal atm to buy it when i can. currently i'm upgrading all my warehouses so that i can keep upgrading my town halls. can't hold enough mats lol. i've got 3 lvl 16 towns and one that is about 12 hours from 17.

    also something that might help it you use firefox...
    https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/748 greasemonkey lets you kind of inject java into a page.
    http://userscripts.org/scripts/search?q=ikariam and that is a list of scripts for ikariam. some can also be found on the ikariam board under fan art -> tools, utilities

    i mainly use the autologin and scorelinker.

    http://ikariam.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page is another useful site with info about the game.

    oh and as far as donating... if someone is not donating... raid and donate for them ;) i'm between 20-30k for both mill and luxury resource on all my islands. i got lucky on my 2nd marble island though. have a guy with 3 colonies on the same island and he's donated 40k+ with each. he's my hero lol.

    another thing, when expanding, think carefully. get islands that have the wonders that increase production for that islands luxury resource. it helps alot. a list of them can be found on the wikia.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    I just logged and had over 200 wood, so I finished upgrading the freaking mill and surprise surprise I have to wait for it to finish. ;) I'm upgrading my two new towns wealth so that;s going to be a few hours. Now I have to wait for professional army to finish and there is going to be hell to pay that's for sure. I have to double check I believe I got expansion already. what server are you on?

  • rooster
  • Vitor
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    Vitor polycounter lvl 18
    Played it for some weeks on Beta server. But then it just got to boring. You don't really have any goals there except get in a better place on the rank, which means nothing if you don't have to work hard to get there. No military action at all, almost just boring resources stealing.

    Could be great, you don't need much time which is good for busy people, but it would need more action.
  • RustyFranks
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    RustyFranks polycounter lvl 17
    i'm on eta. yeah it starts getting boring. at the lvl i'm at, you can't even really jump ranks anymore. it's just a waiting game to see who quits lol. that's why i'm going to stop expanding and start raiding more. i've raided the whole time to subsidize my resources but i'm planning to have at least 2-3 attacks going per town at all times. i've got 4 towns. i dunno, for only playing about an hour total a day... usually no more than 10 minutes at a time. it's entertaining.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    yeah, that's the deal breaker for me, too damn slow. I like the graphics enough to stick around a bit longer but it seems to be getting slower.

  • RustyFranks
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    RustyFranks polycounter lvl 17
    you might be interested in the animated graphics pack... i think it's on userscripts.org somewhere. it's not amazing but adds a little something extra :nerd:
  • Wej
    ...I hate you....

    I mean...i get addicted to things very easily...

    i looked at this post when it was new...clicked the link...told my self not to do more then that...so i closed it...

    Then...one day, my friends were talking about wanting to find a new internet game...it was moments before a competition test thingy that we had, so out of no where i thought of this game...and without thinking, started a file...

    Now I can not stop thinking of this thing!! I have 2 towns now, am going to join an alliance soon, have really good relations with this random guy....I HATE YOU! =P
  • Kytos
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    Kytos polycounter lvl 18
    I've been into this since Ely posted a thread about it way back.


    Although I am more of an instant gratification sort of person, it has been a fun game to play.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    I want to find your colonies on Delta, and destroy you for being a noob. I would do the same for Vitor for the "no military action" comment.

    I've successfully destroyed all the attacking fleets of an entire top ranked alliance. They didn't realize the time and cost of sending attacking ships a great distance. I had plenty of time to outnumber each wave. It was fun, and they now avoid my Alliance.

    If you think the game is too slow, realize it's a webgame that's suppose to be played for a few moments each day. If it were faster paced, it would put those with JOBS at a disadvantage. I recently forgot to sign on a Saturday, and logged on Sunday to find that a very large portion of my warehouse had been pillaged without warning, when I could have otherwise defended myself.

    Although I'm a little too busy to play these days, I recently transferred my Alliance leadership to a more active friend, I'm waiting for the ability to transfer troops to friendly colonies, and govern enemy towns. I believe my capital is lvl 18 now.

    *just realized i'm playing on Ikariam.org. The UK servers. The US servers at .com don't appear to be as populated by us action loving americans. So you're safe from attack.
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