I got a laugh of how porn is so ubiquitous on the net and thought of a game..
must be played at home (obviously)
1. load up google image search
2. turn off safe search
3. type in something completely unsexual
4. find the first page that porn appears on
person with the most disparity between their word and how much porn they find closest to page 1 wins.
https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/5579 -- piclens helps.
i was expecting this to be easier somehow.
the word "table" finds porn on page 41
Ahh well, this is too easy.
"Round" turns up a full page full of porn on page 1.
Jesse - click on "Safe Search is on" or whatever right below the search box.
squish - page 1 - most of the first page actually
Giant Peach - page 27.
heh that was kinda interesting.
And just after i read this i went over to reddit to consume some news and got saw muppet scientist typed into google gives you this: http://images.google.com.au/images?gbv=2&hl=en&safe=off&q=muppet+scientist&btnG=Search+Images
"shotgun", page 2 .
first pic.
Page one
...along with other things I didn't need to see....
first prize is a new car. second prize is a set of steak knives. third prize is you're fired.
ah man. the world "Lord" finds gay porn on page 1. HOT!
PG 11.
"Set of Steak Knives."
PG 15.
"You're Fired"
PG 9
first pic
Otherwise, it took 34 pages
Search Term: "Cool office" WITH safe search enabled = page 2
'Nrop' (porn backwards) - page 1
So I wondered, "how bad could it be?"
thanks, danr. Thanks.
After bounchfx's reply, I had to see for myself.
50 pages, end of search, no porn; safe search off.
What do I win?
yep i did all the treasure chests in prince caspian i know that one well.
Thats a bad dejawolf!!!! No searching up cartoon porn! =D
Page 5
edit: wait no, i don't, porn on page 24