it was on but apparently my mom has been reworking the site for my brother, so theres only really new stuff on there right now. donno where else you could find it on the web, but if you hop on #M_D or just find me on AIM or something, i can send it to you.
ok the old site is going back up on the new host at:
uploading currently, so it'll be a few minutes before its all there.. but that'll be everything. the movie, the soundtrack, the poster... all a neccesary part of the intense experience that is action movie. :P
I have it on my comp if you can't find it anywhere else mojo.
428 x 240 version (think there was a higher res version way back when).
heh, I remember III showing off the mushroom cloud in #md.
uploading currently, so it'll be a few minutes before its all there.. but that'll be everything. the movie, the soundtrack, the poster... all a neccesary part of the intense experience that is action movie. :P