Great film, just saw this recently. I don't know the graphic novel, so couldn't say if it's faithful, probably not.
But the film stands on its own, some great performances here and there, and the portrayal of native american spirituality was nicely done I thought. Music was fantastic. Some amazing spirit-world CG too, a sample...
Anyone see this?
About the comics ... please please read them! On a side note, they are signed by 'Jean Giraud'. That's Moebius' real name - before he switched style and decided to switch names. I think I still goes back and forth between the two depending on what he's working on.
As for the movie. I was a bit disappointed since the main character's portrayal is quite different from the books. Some boring parts too, but definitely something I want to watch again. Can't go wrong with Juliette Lewis anyway!
It was well drawn, certain typical characters like the old miner Mc Clure, woul dlike to see some 3d model in pimping area based on it, would be fun.
It still had some proportion problems, specially in the very first books, but Gir was probably very young by then. I preferred his times as Gir than Moebius. Butam alone there. the books like La última Carta, Nariz Rota, Chihuahua Pearl, are, imho authentic comic jewells. A must, for a comic lover(more if like me, also draw comics). Seems he documented really well,and produced great inmersion, helped by great scripts. Charlier, if my crappy memory doesnt fail again.
Blueb was a character with broken nose (so title of one book) , quite similar to a boxer in that, but a lightweight one, sort of always disordered hair, a bit in the trend of european comics of the 80s, a golden moment for that.
The stories, in my experience, were quite inmersive. My fav western themed comics of those times...if not of all times. there's been made a game of one of my other fav collections, which I also keep, XIII, but would have preferred one of Blueb, but in a saga way, and like would have wished with XIII, with more depth...If that's possible in today games.
Sorry, been years not posting in this forum.
IMO books, graphic novels, and movies are totally separate media. If a movie is based on a book, I don't expect faithfulness, in fact I like it when the adaptation takes it in a new direction, taking advantage of the strengths of its own medium. The personal experience of immersion in a book or graphic novel is so different, so internal, than the experience of being drawn into a movie.
Post more often man.
Thorgal! YES. One of my favs of my loved comic books of the times..Some preference by "The three ancients..." or however is traslated to english...That polish guy has a way to draw that is interesting. I probably prefer the stroke and drawing of Maroto, Caza, Milo Manara, the latest GIR, Juan Gimenez (Black Star), Altuna, and some tons more... Probably it all(european comics) arrived here easier than other kind of comics,(Manga, etc) also... But even preferring technically those in the drawing, the style/stroke of Thorgal has an special strength..specially thta title I mention. Like in games, I think not all books offer same quality. The artists and writters are more or less inspired... Rosinsky, the man of the pencils(and inks and color) is quite a good artist. Jean Van Hamme is the writter, and did as well the super complex XIII story (drawn by Vance, really nice watercolor or watered ink environments and cars, etc, not so fan of his character drawing, but very functional). The stories are usually also a very good read.
yep, quite a time since I was around (md2 editing ). Like I came in beguining of polycount, and forum has gone through several transformations in the while. I like this green font...
Thorgal is awsome, Rosinsky is Great, Especialy in is latest albums, The art is insane. sooooo good. Even tho Van hame is gone , Yve set is doing a decent job.
Va hamme did good with X111, the last episodes were pretty fun to read. Finaly see a conclusion to this adventure was nice. I realy Love Largo Winch also!
Yaya Milo manara, juan gimenez yaaa
i saw The blueberry movie after reading that thread, awfullturd if uve enjoyed the comic book ahaha,,
I also saw that they are working on a X111 miniserie, mmm,, well see I guess \
I use to prefer more strong drawing, detailed in different wa, butis only a preference, not a level of it...and I found always amazing the way he draws...and is said one of his best qualities is an incredible speed... the man was born in 1943, and heck, how he does draw...!
oops, forgot the coolest link.. :
Edit: seriously, click on the images of linky above, specially the animated proccess ones...
Lol, and in the times, I remember well, not even invaders game out there...or maybe just that one...and he could have worked like a kick ass concept artist...but in the times, he dedicated to generate amazing stories...most futuristic...and even now they look cool !!
other artits a bit forgotten like Caza...(from '41.. not very young ppl , but genious..)
manara seems sort of active, too.