Hey guys. The dom war got my creative juices flowing so I thought I'd start a thread to contain any new concept stuff I do outside of work. Heres one I whipped up tonight, it's a creature that carries people round, like a wandering watchtower, hope you like
Cody, I do all types of concept's at work but these are all going to be strictly spare time things, pieces I do to relax at home so some environment stuff will inevitably work its way in there somewhere. As far as modelling them goes that's fine, model away if you wish
Design wise, very cool. The creature really stands out the most. But the apparatus behind the guy - to be frank - resembles a mass of giant toothpicks or matches slapped together with crazy glue. There's not much of a silhouette going on there, unless maybe you throw in some ropes, bolts, props hanging off there, just something to make them look more like posts supporting that overhanging roof (if that is what it's supposed to be).
The colouring is pretty ace though, I must say. I am reminded of Nomura style art.
If you want crits, the knee on Sheriff Milkshake there looks pretty bendy and odd... like one big bone going from thigh to boot that slowly bends along the way... that's a pretty minor niggle though. Post more!
... wow. Nice one.
Very nice stuff so far here.
The alien bug walker thing is awesome, I kinda want to model it actually.
- BoBo