Since not everyone checks the sketchbook section i'll post my final render here to
So this is my Sub-d modeled sega megadrive, its rendered with vray
and most of the materials are standard max materials
It was a school exercise and my first real sub-d object i modeled
C&C welcome and i hope you guys like it
the fingerprints could indeed beef up the realness of the picture
Slum: it is a little glossier then irl , i did that because with the more glossy look it looks nicer to me, the plastic bump is also a good suggestion
I'll update the model when i get the time , any more suggestions anyone?
Looks great as it is!
Cody here you go:
i cant show much textures since it's all materials and separate uvw maps
good ol sega
the games look great too
edit: the plastic feels just a bit too shiny to me, i remember it being a bit more matte. if you look at this pic:
the ring around the cart bit looks like the current material, but the main plastic seems to be a bit less shiny
looks great though.