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Faces vs Polys vs Tris

Yes, it's me again, with another question. What is the difference between faces, polys, and tris? I understand polys are polygons, and tris are triangles, but what is the difference between them all? how do i calculate one from the other? i've searched here and on the web, but i'm just not getting the search down right, because i still can't find a straight answer about any of them.


  • Jonathan
    Tri = 3 vertices form one tri, and are rendered via the method of rasterization (real-time). All models are turned into tries for rendering with the GPU, as that's what the GPU renders.

    Polygons and faces are for simplicity sake the same thing. If your model is 4000 polygons, then it's 4000 faces.

    I think that's the correct way to put it. :)
  • jackbanditdude01
    i just did a test going from blender (which lists faces) to 3ds max 9 (which reads polys). Now, I exported from Blender into an .obj, then imported that file into 3ds max, and the number of faces (approximately 17,000) in Blender read as double (approximately 34,000) polys in 3ds Max. Now that could have been the change into a .obj, or it could have been how the file imported. Thoughts anyone?
  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    Tri's, quads and 4+ sided polygons are all polygons.

    The reason your count doubles is probably because it was triangulated when you exported (turned from quads to triangles), or for whatever reason it is telling you the number of triangles and not quads. Because one quad = 2 triangles (cut it diagonally, you get two triangles).
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    tri = 3 vertices
    poly = n vertices (where n can be any natural number equel or higher than 3 {3, 4, 5, ...}
    face = poly

    so lets say it this way: you always have polys, the triangle is just a special case

    game related, you talk always about tris, even if you say polygone
  • System
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    System admin
    Good point!

    After a test found that if you work in edit-poly and export a file then re-import that file the count increases as the object is triangulated automatically.
    There seems to be no user intervention required when preparing an object for importation as the engine will triangulate the model for you.

    Poly - A loose term for a surface area confined by edges and vertices. Every even sided area is a poly except for ngons and tri's.
    Face - Is the same as poly except it is an even looser term which includes ngons and three sided area's (tri's).
    Tri - Is most commonly referred to in game engine conversion of a model but can also mean a problem area on a model that won't divide properly.
  • Mark Dygert
  • rebb
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    rebb polycounter lvl 17
    GCMP wrote: »
    Poly - A loose term for a surface area confined by edges and vertices. Every even sided area is a poly except for ngons and tri's.

    I don't think that Polygons just means even-sided.. er.. Polygons.

    This site seems to explain it pretty well : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polygon#Naming_polygons
  • jackbanditdude01
    Well here is another thing I just noticed (for those using Blender at all), in Edit mode, if you are mirroring, you will only be told how many faces there are for the actual editable object, but in object mode, you will be told the total number of faces. That makes me wonder if it will cut the faces that go from a square and a mirrored square in edit mode to a rectangle in object mode into 4 triangles or 2 long ones...
  • System
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    System admin
    Thanks for the link it was interesting
    Two of those examples didn't really make sense to 3d or me at all - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henagon and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digon
    Just wondering are you sure this is directly related to 3d or just purely mathematics? I know the two subjects are heavily linked but maybe terminology has got lost or confused along the way :poly108:
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    i just did a test going from blender (which lists faces) to 3ds max 9 (which reads polys). Now, I exported from Blender into an .obj, then imported that file into 3ds max, and the number of faces (approximately 17,000) in Blender read as double (approximately 34,000) polys in 3ds Max. Now that could have been the change into a .obj, or it could have been how the file imported. Thoughts anyone?

    Well that's because in Max the polygon counter counts polygons instead of triangles by default. Polygons are two or more triangles. Depending on the version of 3ds max you use you would either have to go to viewport configuration under statistics to set max to show the triangle count or go your shortcuts and switch the 7 shortcut from polygon counter to triangle counter.

    As far as the face vs polygon lingo it just that semantics. A clear example of this is how different software refer to the same thing with a different term, some call vertices, vertex, vert, or point. The same is true for polygons, some call them faces. On of the unique features that Max had for countless years was the ability to select triangles easily instead of quads. If you want to select just one triangle in another application you have to cut the face into tris.

  • rebb
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    rebb polycounter lvl 17
    Its true that one- and two-sided polygons don't really exist in 3D, the most similar things to them would probably be points and lines.

    That particular site is just a general geometry-centric description, there may be better sites that explain the terminology. But one can already see that "tris" is derived from "triangles" and "quads" from "quadriliterals". From what i understand, everything "past" a Quad is usually just binned under "N-Gons".
  • jackbanditdude01
    Sage, I'm confused by what you just said. If faces and polygons are the same, and in Blender I read "faces", not "tris" or "polys", and then in 3ds Max I read "polys", what do "tris" have to do with the number of polys doubling in 3ds max as compared to the number of faces in Blender? Maybe I just misunderstood, but if polys and faces are the same, it still doesn't explain why the number of polys is double that of the number of faces, or why tris matter when counting faces/polys.
  • Uly
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    Uly polycounter lvl 17
    READ: What Vig posted. If you're talking about what terms are commonly accepted by game artists, it's right, and there's no need to ask any more questions on the matter... And stop listening to Blender. If it's saying anything different, it more than likely is using nomenclature the industry doesn't accept as the norm.

    The industry predominantly uses Max, Maya, and XSI, they all agree with what Vig posted. Hell, even Lightwave does as far as I can recall.
  • System
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    System admin
    rebb, agreed! It does seem to get a bit confusing when your looking for a clear definition.

    jackbanditdude01 Ahh I should have also said that faces are calculated as individual surface area's so if you triangulate a quad poly it will become two faces.
  • jackbanditdude01
    I get what you are saying now. And as to Blender, I actually so far am finding it far more intuitive to model than either Maya or Max, but rigging and texturing I prefer max, and animating I prefer Maya. But that's just so far, I'm only a month into this.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    If I understood what you wrote, you said you exported a model from 3dsmax that had 17000 polygons. When you brought it into blender and checked the count of faces it was 34000. Assuming that all the polygons are quads (quads are two triangles), it would be safe to say that max was counting quads (polys) only instead of all the triangles (tris for short). When you brought that model into Blender it's counting all the triangles and not just the quads normally refered as polys by some. Different software will refer to triangles as tris or as faces which is what it sound like what blender is doing from reading your post. Further more editable mesh in Max refers to faces (quads) as two triangles. You can check this when you go into face subobject mode with editable mesh. It has vert, tris, face, edge, border and element mode. So if you want to see want I mean inside of Max make a cube turn it into editable mesh check the polygon count, make sure Max is counting polygons only and see what it tells you. Then turn that box into an editable poly and the polygon counter will say it has half the polygons.

    For Max users this was bs introduced with editable poly back in version 4, however other software felt it was important to count triangles, verts, edges, ngons and you guessed it polygons. WTF isn't polygons the same shit as triangles. In that context it refers to quads but the assholes decided to call it either face or polygons which is just freaking confusing. They should have called it quads, but I guess Autodeks would sue them or they need to be different. Why cause they feel the need to be original, in other words it's just semantics. I wish they were as anal about making the damn software user friendly and consistent instead of changing every freaking little term to say they are special...

    I don't use Blender so I don't' know what they decided to call two triangles. I'm sure they made it sound special. ;) The topic is sort of a sore subject with me because it goes into other things like not being able to turn edges in certain software that claim they target games, etc. But really don't worry about the polycount thing so much the only thing you need to worry about is that when an employer tells you he needs an object made with polygons they are referring to triangles, but you should ask just to be safe. All you need to know is the subdividing process hates triangles and ngons, ngons are any polygon with more than 4 sides, quads a four sided polygons, tris are triangles, but I hope you guessed that. and all polygons are made of triangles (tris).

    Well I hope that makes sense.

  • jackbanditdude01
    That would have made sense, but you got it backwards. It was 17,000 in Blender, 34,000 in 3ds Max. BUT everything you said would make just as much sense if you reversed it. Blender is reading polys, and during conversion, as some other people have said, it converted to tris and it just happened to be that approximately double the polys turned out to be the number of tris. All in all, it seems to me one program read it differently than another, and somewhere along the way, it auto converted.

    Thanks everyone for the help.

    P.S. - For everyone who keeps badmouthing Blender... Blender, SoftImage XSI, Maya, 3ds Max, and all the other little programs out there, everyone has preferences, and from spending a little over a month working on Blender, Maya, and Max, I'd have to say one is no better than the other, for any program. Depending on how much effort was put into design and plugins and script, any one can do exactly what the other can, just in a much different way. Experience brings ease, not the program itself.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    The reason that is happening is because Max brings in objs as editable mesh, and as I stated earlier it's showing the true amount of polygons the model has and not just counting quads. If blender has a triangulate function, use it on your object and the polygon count would double provided that the model only had quads. I didn't know Blender didn't count triangles as well but I imagine it does, usually these apps show, all sorts of statistics, like face count (quads), verts, edges, uvs, tris.

  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    I get what you are saying now. And as to Blender, I actually so far am finding it far more intuitive to model than either Maya or Max, but rigging and texturing I prefer max, and animating I prefer Maya. But that's just so far, I'm only a month into this.
    Blender is reading polys, and during conversion, as some other people have said, it converted to tris and it just happened to be that approximately double the polys turned out to be the number of tris. All in all, it seems to me one program read it differently than another, and somewhere along the way, it auto converted.

    Thanks everyone for the help.

    P.S. - For everyone who keeps badmouthing Blender... Blender, SoftImage XSI, Maya, 3ds Max, and all the other little programs out there, everyone has preferences, and from spending a little over a month working on Blender, Maya, and Max, I'd have to say one is no better than the other, for any program. Depending on how much effort was put into design and plugins and script, any one can do exactly what the other can, just in a much different way. Experience brings ease, not the program itself.

    There is no discussion here. Only an inconsistency in terminology and functionality betweem separate applications that you seem unable to comprehend. In the context of games and any other realtime application...triangles are what count, and what is counted. I just so happens that a triangle falls under the definition of a face, and a polygon. Here, see for yourself:

    polygon : a closed plane figure bounded by straight lines
    triangle : a polygon having three sides
    face : any of the plane surfaces that bound a geometric solid

    It is unfortunate that some DCC tools, that were seemingly developed in 3rd world countries, have managed to mislead you, like so many others, to believe otherwise.

    Now for a math lesson. Take one quadrilateral, or quad. That's a new word, Quad. It means four. It is one 4-sided polygon. Divide that in half from one point to another. You have now 2 triangles. One 4-sided polygon EQUALS two 3-sided polygon. 1 to 2. That's double. You like milkshakes?

    It may be that Blender triangulates OBJs during export by default. That is often encouraged when exporting OBJs to prevent errors when importing to other applications. It may be that Max reads Blender's OBJ file different, and rebuilds its faces. Max has poor OBJ support that will hopefully be fixed with version 2009, as they have claimed. What happens between Blender and Max makes no difference, because most people here aren't dumb enough to have that workflow. Their preference isn't that of torture. For example: XSI provides info on triangles, quads, N-gons, points, etc. all on one stat window. It's convenient.

    And lastly, since you have stated that you are only one month "into this", you have little room to be claiming anything about "intuitive" and "preference" and "experience". These programs are, in fact, only tools, and it is the artists which create the results. But to make these statements, you need more knowledge of what these tools can do for you as an artist. And that takes years of practice using many of the tools available. This is a forum frequented by many who have. And they have found that some programs, over all aspects of design, bring much more ease to their methods. Of these, Blender is rarely mentioned. But it is free, and has all the features a nuclear physicist would love...so high five.
  • Mark Dygert
    I should have elaborated...
    The dotted lines are hidden edges of triangles. Polygons can be made up of many triangles which is what makes them unreliable when counting. Think of a polygon as a shoebox, normally you put two shoes (tris) in there but you can pack in more if you want, so counting shoeboxes to find out how many shoes you have could give you an incorrect count. The best way to find out how many shoes you have, is to count shoes.
  • JolliFish
    i just did a test going from blender (which lists faces) to 3ds max 9 (which reads polys). Now, I exported from Blender into an .obj, then imported that file into 3ds max, and the number of faces (approximately 17,000) in Blender read as double (approximately 34,000) polys in 3ds Max. Now that could have been the change into a .obj, or it could have been how the file imported. Thoughts anyone?

    Blender's .obj export script doubles the verticies dued. ;p
    export and then load it back in blender and you'll see it doubled
    i think
    Horrible 1st post hmm
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Actually, blender has a face count, which is every quad and triangle in the model, combined, so if a quad isn't triangulated, it will be counted as one face, and a triangle will be counted as one face.

    I usually do a quick ctrl-t riangulate on the whole mesh and look at the facecount, and then redo to go back to my model.

    the blender obj exporter only splits faces and doubles vertices if there's an edgesplit involved, which should in a proper scenario convert to smoothinggroups instead, but I guess since it's named edgesplit... :/

    the in the startingpost is quadmesh being exported into an obj, auto-triangulated, and imported in as a trianglemesh, with the correct count in blenders "face" count.
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